Your current favorite foodz

Good post DW. For people who consider it a waste of time to cook their own food (because many people buy fast food because it's convenient), think of this: how much time does it take to drive to a fast food joint, wait for your food, and drive all the way back? You can cook your own meal in far less time and it won't be luke-warm greasy shit, and it won't cost so much money. And yes, I know you can order food to be delivered almost everywhere in the US and UK these days, but man, if you do that often, think about what you're doing and how lazy and contemptible that is.

As for water, you're actually better off not buying bottled water. Not only is it ridiculously expensive (and I really mean ridiculously, sometimes 10.000% of the price of tap water), but it also pollutes the environment and in fact, it's much less sharply controlled than tap water is. And tap water's usually better-tasting to boot. If you like the feel of a cold soft drink, do what I do and buy a water carbonator so you can make club soda on the fly and almost for free. You can add some lemon juice to give it a bit of a yummy taste too.
Here's the thing: start cooking. By cooking, I mean REALLY COOKING, not pouring can o' whatever into a pot and adding water. Cook everything from scratch. It doesn't take long at all and you won't feel like complete shit afterwards. It's an uphill battle in the states because EVERYTHING people cook comes from a mix these days. Find interesting recipes and if they say, "stir in X pack/can/mix of Y", then find another recipe. If you have to add some pre-made crap into whatever you're cooking, then you're not cooking. You might as well microwave some bullshit frozen dinner. Cream of mushroom soup is not supposed to keep for's fucking bescamela and mushrooms, that's all it is. The fact that it keeps for so long should send warning sirens through everyone's mind, yet it doesn't. Americans focus so much on trans fats and carbs and other bullshit so much, and in the end those aren't even the things that will kill you; it's all the preservatives and modified shit they put into food that kills you. A spoonful of butter is better than that Starbuck's muffin and candy water. I'm not saying you have to go live in a tree and eat organic everything, just prepare everything yourself. It's so easy once you know how.

I suggest reading "In defense of Food" by Michael Pollan, for anyone who has no clue what "real" food is. Coming from a country on the Mediterranean that has everything fresh, and as a daughter of a chef who grew up on "everything from scratch" I struggled in the US when I first moved here... Everything here is processed, full of chemicals (that are illegal in other countries...) full of preservatives, and don't even get me started on your live stock... I am amazed by anyone who eats regular meat from the grocery store; you're eating garbage, crap (often literally) and shortening your life every-time you take a bite, not to mention ethically wrong, but I digress...

The US though, is also full of amazing food products: fresh, organic, fantastic! You'll just have to go look for them a bit more because they will not be present in your local WalMart... The way I see it though: what's better way of spending your money than eat really good things that are beneficial to you? In my book, there is no cutting corners when it comes to food: it's my body, I only have one, I only live once, and I sure damn well eat amazing while I'm here.

Eat fresh, wholly, and try to avoid crap like: "skim milk" or "sweetener" - whole milk and pure sugar isn't going to make you fat.

The thing about the US is that so many people exercise so much just to work off the massive amount of garbage they put into their systems. You don't have to work out every single day to lead a healthy lifestyle. In fact, you really don't have to work out AT ALL. Just eat correctly and walk places.

You do need to exercise. Granted, in Europe you walk a lot and have a less "lazy" lifestyle, but the fact that people are generally in better health over there, is due to sooooooo many factors (food habits, portions, ingredients, education about food, weekends activities etc... ) If you ask me, I say the majority of Europe probably need to exercise **more**

Just to give you an idea: in the US and UK pregnant women are given enough pills to choke a horse in order to maintain a healthy pregnancy. They don't in Europe. Why? Because those pills were invented due to the increasing number of unhealthy pregnant women living on fast food, Campbell's soup, and Applebee's. Here, women already eat a normal diet and don't need a litany of pills to "get healthy" for their pregnancy.

It's perfectly fine to eat like shit every now and then, but every now and then means like once a month or so, not once a week. All those "restaurants" in the US like Applebee's, TGIFriday's, Chili's, etc. are all just fast food places with different entrees. They're not really restaurants and the food is pre-made crap that's heated up in the oven. They're made for quantity, not quality. Stop eating at those restaurants. Stop eating at fast food joints. Again, just buy your own food, prepare you own food, and cook your own food. You will be amazed at how much better you feel even without exercising.

Except the part about exercising. By definition, you'll feel better without inserting all that garbage into your body, but if you exercise regularly, you'll feel like a million bucks, instead of like a grand...

Also, DRINK WATER. You should have a big bottle of water at your side 24/7. You should be drinking water even when you're not thirsty because when you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. You should drink at least half a gallon of water per the very LEAST. Just plain 'ole tap water in a big bottled water jug kept in the fridge should suffice; I've got four of them. Don't buy water, use a filter if you have to...I don't even use a filter. Water is water. Granted, the water here is pristine so it's not needed, but I've been to Texas and the southwest and the desert water tastes like SHIT, so buy a filter if you have to. Water cleans your system out, staves off sickness and disease, keeps your belly full and negates those hunger pangs. It's good for circulation, keeps your breath fresh, keeps your teeth clean, and will give you energy like coffee, only less spastic. Water is your best friend.


I drink only water, coffee, tea, and wine. (and beers at shows/festivals etc)
No soda, never store-bought juices, Gatorade or Vitamin Water shit, stay away from those corn-syrup liquids: ONLY WATER.

Good post indeed, Chris!
The exercising part was a little rhetorical, honestly. Everyone should exercise...I'm just saying that you don't have to go overboard to maintain a healthy weight if you simply eat real food. That's why I said in the states people exercise like they're training for the Marines just to work off all the awful crap that they ingest daily. You've seen it yourself: people try to eat healthy and they still ingest garbage due to the shitty food mafia in the states. Even when you try to eat healthy, you have to pay very careful attention to every single thing you eat because the US runs its food suppliers like a shady cell phone provider.

I still think that you don't have to go to the gym to be healthy. You SHOULD work out for the best fitness, but you don't HAVE to if you're happy with your body. I should probably work out more, but I don't. I just don't care anymore. I ran my ass off for ten years in the military and my back is permanently fucked up...I'm not a runner. I need to lose about 20 pounds to be in my ideal, perfect, muscular body that I had when I went downrange to Iraq, but I just don't care. I look like a roadie or a biker now, hehe, but I eat like a horse. My point is I've looked like this and eaten like this for about 8 years, all due to eating right. I eat A LOT, even overeat sometimes, but the example I'm trying to make is that although I need to lose some pounds, my cholesterol is fine, my blood pressure is fine, my energy level is fine, I'm almost never sick, and it's all because I eat well. I walk a lot and get regular exercise, but I don't "work out", per se, at least not anymore. Should I? Of course. Do I care? Nah. However, I could NEVER do this in the states...I'd balloon due to the shit in the food there and horrible eating habits.

What people need to understand is that there is a science to eating and there's a reason behind everything. In the states people just shovel in whatever they can find as long as it has bacon on it without thinking WHY.

Why do you never eat Bolognese with spaghetti? Because you end up eating just noodles because the ragu' falls in a puddle on your plate.

Why do you never mix fish and cheese? Because they cancel each other out.

Risotto is not a side dish; it's the main dish. Making it a side dish gives you way too much starch.

You don't drink a cappuccino after noon because it's heavy and fattening and is used to keep you going until lunch. Drinking one after an evening meal like Americans do is like eating pancakes after a steak dinner. You pretty much "eat" a cappuccino, not drink it.

"Shredded mozzarella" isn't mozzarella; it's plastic. No shit. It's just dried up milk and preservatives. Mozzarella has to be kept under water. If you eat pizza with shredded mozzarella on it or anything else with shredded mozzarella, you're ingesting pure cholesterol-raising, artery-hardening, fat.

These are just a few examples of why and how things should be done. People get irked and say, "How can you put rules on food?!?!?! Those same people usually die of heart attacks at the age of 50.
Not caring about what you look like doesn't equal to "shouln't exercise". In a conversation about eating well, and being healthy, as well as it is directed at someone who is trying to lose weight and be in better health, saying "you really don't have to work out at all" is misleading and untrue...
Being happy and content with your body is one thing--and I applaud you for it--but if your fat percentage is high, you're not, in fact, in good health. Just a fact...

But in general: yes, you move a lot, you eat well, you balance your life, you're always eat fresh/wholly meals: you're in great shape (no pun intended) compared to 90% of America!

I LOL'd at the Ragu with the spaghetti: How true, I make awesome ragu by the way, despite the fact that I no longer eat meat (I cook it for my guests sometimes) I serve it with rigatoni, and one of my friends was like: "Uh, why not spaghetti?" I'm like: "why ever?!"
Love it.

Last note before us elitist foodies scare everyone away from this thread:
When it comes to healthy eating and being in good health, for me there is no debate:
Eat fresh wholly foods, eat a balanced diet, eat less meat, stay away from fast food and processed junk, exercise daily, and enjoy a sinful meal once in a while.
Eating healthy means being subjected even longer to this dog-forsaken filth pile of a planet.
You could off yourself if you're in a hurry. That's not a hint or anything, just saying that if you don't want to be on this planet, there are ways off of it. Eating well is pretty much the only way to prolong your lifespan, but there are a multitude of ways of shortening it if that's your goal.

I know that kinda sounds fucked up but I don't really mean it to be.
I was at work when I made that post.

I do my best to eat as healthy as I can, but I don't take it that seriously. I don't count calories or only eat the most organic and unprocessed varieties of food, or home cook all my meals from scratch because I don't have time for any of that shit. I remain very physically active and I am happy overall with my life. Whatever comes of that is merely my fate :)

Sometimes the nihilism monster within me just needs to be fed. I am not fond of it, but there ya go.
I'm battling with this.

I spend all my money on weed and beer, although I still work out everyday, take vitamins and protein and shit. I just have anxiety about going in the grocery store for some reason. So much easier to hit up Walgreens in the middle of the night.

I can't eat at my job anymore. 2 years of Outback makes me gag.
Currently snacking on my favorite snacks ever.
