Your Dream Setlist For Prog/Power


Nature's Child
Aug 2, 2003
Michigan, USA
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If you could decide the set Symphony X would play for this year's Prog/Power, what would it be? Here would be mine:

Through The Looking Glass
The Eyes Of Medusa
Sea Of Lies
The Accolade
The Accolade II
The Edge Of Forever
Communion And The Oracle
The Odyssey

Also, to make the topic more interesting, opinions and discussion about our setlists would be great! :grin:
I think we had this topic a while back. We were trying to get the band to play a song that they usually don't. I think it was settled on "Orion: The Hunter"...

Well, here's my list anyway...

Smoke and Mirrors
Church of the Machine
The Accolade
The Accolade II
Sea of Lies
Absence of Light
A Fool's Paradise
The Edge of Forever
The Odyssey
Of Sins and Shadows

Have they ever played Absence of Light and A Fool's Paradise live..?
I don't know, but A Fool's Paradise would rock... it's quickly becoming my favorite SymX song. And I like you guys' setlists, but I definately need Evolution. TDWOT would be nice, as well.

BTW, nice to see you at the SX board, Oakenson. I didn't think you would show up here when I linked you to that one post.
OfSinsAndShred said:
I don't know, but A Fool's Paradise would rock... it's quickly becoming my favorite SymX song. And I like you guys' setlists, but I definately need Evolution. TDWOT would be nice, as well.

BTW, nice to see you at the SX board, Oakenson. I didn't think you would show up here when I linked you to that one post.

I decided to show up! :p ;) Afterall, I have been listening to Symphony X for some time and I thought, why not talk to other Symphony X fans?

About the setlist, it is very hard to pick one with a reasonable length. I mean, afterall, I would like to hear Symphony X play practically every song but we have to stick with reality :loco:

Also, about A Fool's is definitly a classic. Very power metal in vein with an awesome Baroque-inspired mid-section. Killer! :rock:
A Fool's Paradise is definitly an underrated Symphony X track. If I could throw another song on my set, it would be A Fool's Paradise. Myself, I would like to see V performed in full but of course, the odds of this happening are slim...

Also, I forgot to mention, I think Dressed To Kill would be a fun song to do live.
i LOVE listening to the first 20 seconds of A Fool's Paradise.

The opening riffage and drumming is sooooooo super mega fuckin cool.

the rest of the song kicks ass as well.
Yeah, like this will happen...

King of Terrors
Church of the Machine
The Accolade
Accolade II
Through the Looking Glass
Out of the Ashes
Candlelight Fantasia
Sea of Lies
The Edge of Forever
Smoke and Mirrors
Dressed to Kill
The Odyssey
The Divine Wings of Tragedy

Oh yeah!
MorphineChild205 said:
Yeah, like this will happen...

King of Terrors
Church of the Machine
The Accolade
Accolade II
Through the Looking Glass
Out of the Ashes
Candlelight Fantasia
Sea of Lies
The Edge of Forever
Smoke and Mirrors
Dressed to Kill
The Odyssey
The Divine Wings of Tragedy

Oh yeah!

WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO???!!!11 KILL THEM? Just kidding heh. Long set though.
King of Terrors
Eyes of Medusa
Through the looking glass
Sea of Lies
Of Sins and Shaddows

About the right time? that sounds around 80 mins to me!
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
King of Terrors
Eyes of Medusa
Through the looking glass
Sea of Lies
Of Sins and Shaddows

About the right time? that sounds around 80 mins to me!

hmm sounds right but not sure
It says they play 11:00 Pm to close.

They really ought to rool with thier closing spot and chop it out for three hours.
Hey Shreddy, didn't you say you were sick of them closing with Of Sins and Shadows? I think they should have it in there, but they should start closing with something else. How about The Turning (talk about an underrated SX song) The middle keyboard/guitar/drums part is awesome.
yeah, i was saying i hate Of Sins and Shaddows being the closing song, because i used to hate it. As i've learned the solo there, i don't made me like NAHH!!!;)
A Fool's Paradise has THE BEST chorus...

Is this the end of all we know?
Innocence lost so long ago,
War woven dreams
the darkest of schemes
Now takes hold of our destiny.
Decades of greed, plague famine and war
We can't go on like this anymore
Living like fools, chaos will rule.
Eternal paradise...

I think that's right, I did that off of the top of my head, and I haven't listened to V in a few days...
ERRRRR...looking at that setlist i've made made me go "what was i thinking?" This is it now!

King of terrors
Communion & the Oracle
Eyes of Medusa
Through the Looking Glass (The best song live!Listen to LotEoF)
Sea of Lies
Of Sins and Shadows
The Edge of Forever
The Oddyssey

There, that sounds better
If I could pick just three songs for their setlist, I'd want to see them do "DWoT" (which I've seen them do a few times), "Whispers" and "Lady of the Snow." Yeah, yeah, I know the last two would probably never happen, but a girl can dream, right?:goggly:

MorphineChild205 said:
Yeah, like this will happen...

King of Terrors
Church of the Machine
The Accolade
Accolade II
Through the Looking Glass
Out of the Ashes
Candlelight Fantasia
Sea of Lies
The Edge of Forever
Smoke and Mirrors
Dressed to Kill
The Odyssey
The Divine Wings of Tragedy

Oh yeah!

Something more??? I think nor it needs! :cool: