Your dreams about the stuff that CoB can do


Bitchkilling motherfucker
My dreams are:

1.) Bodom playing all the songs from SW alongside a symphonic orchestra.

2.) Bodom returning to the SW style - more black, and more symphonic influenced

3.) Bodom releasing a disc with covers of great metal songs from other bands

4.) Another live album (Bootlegs SUCK MAJOR DICK! The sound you get directly from the instruments is 1000000000 times better than the sound recorded with some shitty equipment from the speakers)

5.) Bodom coming to Bulgaria :)
errrr...HB seemed to me much more melodic than HCDR...Bah...I just hope they evolve into...dunno! lol...Into what they will, as long as it's good...and always improving. What about putting Wagner inspirations in????? Some sort of war symphony would be cool....
jazie said:
My dreams are:

1.) Bodom playing all the songs from SW alongside a symphonic orchestra.

2.) Bodom returning to the SW style - more black, and more symphonic influenced

3.) Bodom releasing a disc with covers of great metal songs from other bands

4.) Another live album (Bootlegs SUCK MAJOR DICK! The sound you get directly from the instruments is 1000000000 times better than the sound recorded with some shitty equipment from the speakers)

5.) Bodom coming to Bulgaria :)
those are my thoughts EXACTALLY :headbang:

i'd just change "Bulgaria" to "Brazil" :D
Alexi moving to the flat, living door to door with me and shares 2hours per day to teach me :Spin:

And the hole band comes to Poland, play about 4 gigs with some crazy support.

And they dont change their music style :headbang:
My dream is not possible to realize, because Hatebreeder recordings are finished:

My dream would be that I sit beside Alexi while he plays the Hatebreeder-Solos in the studio!!! That would have been soooo awesome!

Ah, another dream is to join the stage with Alexi and play a solo battle with him (wich I would lose of course :lol:)!!! But I'm sure this dream will come true anytime, believe me dudes!!!
FailingAcension said:
I like HCDR....I'd like more stuff along those lines
ohhh....totally agree, man....:worship:

Thilo said:
Ah, another dream is to join the stage with Alexi and play a solo battle with him (wich I would lose of course :lol::)!!! But I'm sure this dream will come true anytime, believe me dudes!!!
yeah man...everything is possible....I wish you luck next time, dood ;) be there besides Jaska when playing Bodom Beach Terror or Everytime I Die and then get some drums lessons with him :worship:
I cannot think to the drums battle with him for now...:D

Errr....I'll still have my simple dream to see them in show....and have enough space to dance! That one is rather realistic... Though....I'd like to have Janne as a keyboard teacher...But hei...what,s the use, unless they decide to move to an ugly nowhere town in Quebec with no possibility for making money caus there aint no metalfan's already pointless. I already had the chance to have a guit teacher about as good as Alexi...But both being too stone so I really didn't learn much...
> 2.) Bodom returning to the SW style - more black, and more symphonic influenced
ROTFL, I can definitely see THAT happening.

> 3.) Bodom releasing a disc with covers of great metal songs from other bands
Well, we're halfway there already. Oh wait... You said METAL songs. Forget it then. :p