Your fav musicvideo...


there are no words left
Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
Reading this -->
thread made me wonder what musicvideos you people really enjoy...
What makes them so special?

At the moment I am stunned by the beautiful Opeth videos Ytse
has online... But other than those two, I love the "Colossus"
video by Borknagar. Not because it's so well done, I only have a
really crappy version of it...but the song is so awesome in itself.
I can sit and watch this video over and over....
Nice hair on Simen >:eek:P hehehe...

When it comes to videos that are well done;
there is something about "Schism" by Tool....
It touches me, and I don't know why, or how :eek:)

Now, c'mon...what are your likes?
Maybe I can get a few tips,
as I don't stumble accross metal videos daily >:eek:)
I really like Metallica's "One" very nice emotional video.
All of Tools really rule.
Emperor's new video for "Empty" is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! One of my favorite, if not my favorite. It is almost like a Tool Video.
Tool Prison Sex, and any of them wierd ones they show live that aren't released. prison sex has this really wierd feel to it and in the end you see the circle of pointlessness, and realise your trapped, bla, bla, bla, i'll stop
I love the live version of Metallica's Fade To Black. Incredible.
Dimmu Borgir's live Entrance is pretty great too.
Emperor's The Loss And Curse Of Reverence is absolutely classic, painfully addictive.
Cradle Of Filth's From The Cradle To Enslave is kik ass.
Nine Inch Nails' Perfect Drug is what I call an amazing piece of footage.

And of course Ytse's videos are great, but they will never be on tv so they cant be considered videos since they are not by the band itself.
Has anyone seen Meshuggah's video for New Millenium Cyanide Christ? It's funny as hell...check it out at if you haven't.

My favorite music videos have to be all of TOOL's. Adam Jones is simply a genius.
All of Tool's videos, with the possible exception of "Hush," which, despite being somewhat funny, isn't really on par at all with their others.


Tool: Sober
Prison Sex (never seen more emotionally evocative animation)

Radiohead - Just - You have to have seen this one. It's simply one of the best videos of all time.

-Street Spirit (Fade Out) the mixture of slo-mo and normal speed film makes this video VERY visually stunning, but so startlingly simple.

NIN - Closer, The Perfect Drug

A Perfect Circle - Judith (very filmic, directed by David Fincher :D)

bah, that's it.
I forgot about street spirit!! That is one of the most jaw dropping videos ever........You can focus on the visuals and be amazed, or you can choose the music, and also be amazed.......Or you can try both at the same time and be totally overwhelmed!! Great stuff!!!!
Pain - End of the Line
- Peter Tagtgren's cool beard making neat silhouettes while muddy females cavort semi-randomly to a shaky, focus-shifting camera

Nightwish - Over the Hills and Far Away
- Excellent production value, although slightly cheesy at times, (who is that evil guy stirring the bowl? What is that?!) and the general presence of Tarja is a big plus. (Tarja - GOOD!)
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
Nightwish - Over the Hills and Far Away
- Excellent production value, although slightly cheesy at times, (who is that evil guy stirring the bowl? What is that?!) and the general presence of Tarja is a big plus. (Tarja - GOOD!)

Whoi!! Haven't seen that one yet! Got to start looking for it right away!

Cheesy at times? Aren't all Nightwish videos cheesy? Hehe...
Videos? Shit. I'd say the last GOOD one I've seen was Tool's, Prison Sex. Nicely disturbing :heh:

But, the question reminded me of 2 older videos that were aired on MTV years ago. Metallica. The one with the child digging his way out of an underground room...then he's all old and finally pulls a block out of the way. I remember seeing that video when if first came out and it was like 20 minutes long with the extra long beginning. :rolleyes: That one, and WAY back when Michael Jackson was being a "Thriller" and he had that movie/video to the song? My god. :p Remember those? :lol:

Ahhhhh...videos. No. I don't really watch them anymore.
Yeah, I think "Over The Hills And Far Away" is one of the better metal videos I've seen.

Click here to see In Flames - Only For The Weak

I've seen it before... nothing really special, but hey, it's a video all right. ;)
Originally posted by Duvall

Radiohead - Just - You have to have seen this one. It's simply one of the best videos of all time.
-Street Spirit (Fade Out) the mixture of slo-mo and normal speed film makes this video VERY visually stunning, but so startlingly simple.

bah, that's it.

yeah i forgot about those by one of the best bands ever, street spirit being a brilliant song (if you havent heard it you better be dead, or at least deaf) but the JUST video really pissed me off the first time i heard it building up stress and tension and then at the end of it all your left without anything to go away with except a headache from trying to figure it out. :D
i'd like to say thanks to Duvall, since your Radiohead thread thingy, i brought down the bends and decided to play a song (street spirit) and now ive ended up listening to the whole album. next up ok computer... (wow, i haven't had a Radiohead marathon in ages):D :D :) :loco:
Morningrise, damn emperor video wont work. i downloaded and now it gives me that "open with..." bullshit. Ill probably get it working eventually maybe. thanks for the link anyway though. im sure the video kicks ass.