COB changed to ESP!

Can ESP make Randy Rhoads Guitars? As far as I know only Jackson has the rights to build a RR guitar. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

A picture that confuses me is this . This photo was taken from a Sinergy guitar clinic in Japan with ESP students. Alexi holds something like a RR while the clinic takes place in an ESP shop.
ESP's custom guitars are just as good quality as Jackson. I play Ibanez and Jackson myself, but I can't deny that ESP do make some great guitars too. And I'm not talking about that LTD junk.
I like ESP..

Initially my first choiche was Jackson but they're too damn expensive and all their cool models have CHROME hardware.. I FUCKING HATE CHROME HARDWARE!!!!
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night



ESPs are fucking useless JUNK man, for stupid children who fall for their lame advertising. Sure they may have been cool a few years ago, but these days they're a joke.

Jackson make some fine guitars! *I* have a beautiful KE2!

Of course, if ESP would pay me to use their garbage, then I guess I'd have a good reason to.

Real ESP guitars are fucking awesome.
all ltds are crappy, or just sub-crap.
i got a 97 esp eclipse, and i can't find a guitar that i like to play better.
its like, that feeling when you first slid you cock into a pussy after not having sex in like a week... thats how good it feels to play my esp.

i also got a 90 ESP mirage deluxe. its also an awesome guitar.
USA made jacksons are i'd say equally as good. i think we can all agree that they both crush ibanez.
Hey, if worse comes to worse, he'll use an ESP while on tour until his custom shop RR1 from Jackson is done. Nother guy on the JCF pointed out, there's no sense in postponing a tour because he dosen't have a guitar. Get one, go out and make your living playing, and when your guitar u want is done being made, rock out with the Jackson. Remember, Leiho's name is still on the Jackson site as being endorsed and nothing is final.
He says ESPs suck, and then he says if he lost his endorsement he'd play ESPs? That's by far the stupidest thing I have ever heard. It's not like Jackson and ESP are the only two guitar companies in the world. First off, Japanese made ESPs are far better than anything Jackson has ever put out, American ESPs are junk, is the japanese ESP site. Secondly, if you think a guitar is shit, then why are you playing it? Thats just silly. Thats like if I played PRS's and some person asked me what do you think of Squier? and I say, "Oh they fucking suck, shittiest guitars in the world, but if I ever lose my PRS I'm gonna play squier." Thats just retarded. Thirdly, Alexi should just get his guitar custom made by a small company like Apple Horn guitars, which is what Soilwork and IA use. I'm sorry ESP and Jackson aren't the only 2 guitar companies there are. Oh yeh, I know Michael Amott uses a custom JAPANESE ESP V, and that guitar is pretty fuckin ace.
Yeah Alexi said in interview in Metalliliitto that "I would have to wait for Jackson's custom over a year" (that was said already in this thread) and then he said "So I just don't have time to play Jackson! And I can get the custom from ESP in 3 or 4 months and hopefully those guitars will come before we start to tour". Something like that he said. So yes they are chanching to ESP.