Your favorite albums while stoned


The Unjesus
Jul 9, 2011
Churning Sea of Absu
My favorites are...
The Germs- Anthology
Cryptopsy- None So Vile
Mastodon- Crack The Skye
Fear- The Record
Sublime- S/T

As for movies or tv shows...
I Am Legend
Family Guy
That 70's Show
Mastodon Crack The Skye: The Movie(Insanely trippy)

And, of course, munchie food
Cheezits and M&ms
Roast beef, pepper jack, and jalapeno sandwich
3 Meat Pizza

While getting stoned (not while stoned) (songs);

evergrey - trilogy of the damned, faith restored, state of paralysis, different worlds, closure, till dagmar, as light is our darkness, i'm sorry (-____-)
agalloch - odal, a poem by yeats, fire above ice below, the misshapen steed, haunting birds,
disillusion - a day by the lake (as im smoking by a lake)
angra - bleeding heart, time, heroes of sand
anathema - inner silence, are you there
on thorns i lay - my angel, gallant nights, when i'm gone
opeth - credence, to bid u farewell, nectar, the night and the silent water
pain of salvation - song for the innocent, morning on earth, dedication
I used to love listening to Emperor when I was baked. It was even more fun to put ATTWAD on really loud when my hippie friends would come over to smoke. Opeth Morningrise was another good one. Really though, I don't have a preference for smoking music, though I find that I am more open to really cheesy and poppy shit when I'm toking up. That's kinda the reason I like Phil Collins and Michael McDonald now.
What isnt good when high? Well, it all depends on the mood for me, but I typically either want to put something on with a rich/heavy tone or something that is played to immerse you into an atmosphere. Most black metal does it for me quite well.

A list of a few albums off the top of my head:
Agalloch - Marrow of the Spirit - I know it's new, but this one is Agalloch's best and definitely a good album to blaze too. The drone parts are particularly enjoyable.
Beherit - Engram - Especially Axiom Heroine with its heavy riffs and atmospheric melodies.
Darkspace - III
Devin Townsend - The Hummer - most of his stuff is also good, but The Hummer is about as relaxing as it gets (need silence for this one though).
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lions Skull
Isis - Panopticon
Porcupine Tree - In Absentia - I know its not metal, but I enjoy most of PT's works very much when high.
Pentagram - Be Forewarned
Burzum - Filosofem
Om - Pilgrimage, God is Good
Dark Tribe - In Jeraspunta - an album that is already horrifying sober is even more intense after a nice bowl. When I want to be frightened to the extremes, this does the trick.
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
Sleep - Sleep's Holy Mountain - the only good stoner doom album for the most part.
Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation - guilty pleasure hipster album thats actually good.
The Chasm - Procreation of the Inner Temple.
Ulver - Bergtatt
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
Opeth - Still Life
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
Boris - Feedbacker
Asphyx - Last One on Earth
Disembowelment - Transcendence into the Periphery
Muutilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood

If I go on this could get quite lengthy, but listening to any of these is good when blazed imo.
I don't smoke much weed these days but music on beer or speed.
Pretty much what I always listen to.
Alchemist,Sodom,Morbid Angel,Ulver,Sacriphyx,Ungod,Havohej,Misery's Omen,Bestial Warlust,Root,Master's Hammer,Autopsy,Sadistik Exekution,Sabbat(JPN),Possessed,Goatpenis,Stargazer,Nifelheim,Barbatos,Amebix,Incantation,Melvins ect.ect.
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Caravan - In The Land Of The Grey and Pink
Country Joe & The Fish - I Feel Like I'm Fixin To Die
Buckethead - Electric Tears
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Sopor Aeternus - Les Fleurs Du Mal
Anathema - We're Here Because We're Here
Harmonium - Et S'il Existait Une Cinquieme Saison
Bluetech - The entire discography
Shpongle - Tales of the Inexpressible
Tripswitch - Circuit Breaker
The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi & The Pink Robots
Spiritualized - Ladies And Gentlemen We're Floating In Space
Beach House - Teen Dreams
Cocteau Twins - Victorialand
Jacques Brel - La Valse A Mille Temps
Mew - And The Glass Handed Kites
The Flower Kings - Back To The World Of Adventures
Roine Stolt - Hydrophonia
sleepmakeswaves - In Today Walks Tomorrow
Porcupine Tree - On The Sunday of Life
Blackmore's Night - Shadow of the Moon
Blackmore's Night - Under a Violet Moon

among many, many other albums

Metal stuff :

Goatsnake - Flower of Disease
Earthless - Sonic Prayer
Earthless - Rhythms from a Cosmic Sky
Ancient Wisdom - The Calling
Ancient Wisdom - And The Physical Shape of Light Bled
Ancient Wisdom - Cometh Doom Cometh Death
Opeth - Orchid
Opeth - Morningrise
Jex Thoth - Jex Thoth
Therion - Lemuria
Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley
Devin Townsend - Ghost
Devin Townsend - some of Synchestra's mellower tracks
Devil Doll - The entire discography
Warlord - Lordian Winds demo
I don't smoke much weed these days but music on beer or speed.
Pretty much what I always listen to.
Alchemist,Sodom,Morbid Angel,Ulver,Sacriphyx,Ungod,Havohej,Misery's Omen,Bestial Warlust,Root,Master's Hammer,Autopsy,Sadistik Exekution,Sabbat(JPN),Possessed,Goatpenis,Stargazer,Nifelheim,Barbatos,Amebix,Incantation,Melvins ect.ect.

What kind of speed? Because if you're talking about meth, you need to knock that shit off right now, young man! I personally prefer to steer clear of any speed, but crank will fucking rot you from the inside out.
mutiilation while smoking weed? odd :erk:

Whats wrong with that? That album clicked for me when I was really high and now I find it really enjoyable to listen to when I smoke.

And how did I forget Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley? Used to love smoking up with friends and listening to this while driving around.
When I'm high my musical taste almost completely swaps from Metal to Rock. Or anything with either the bass turned up in the mix (Wolfmother, Priestess, Black Sabbath) or bass solos (Death Angel comes to mind). Either that or any metal with a lot of reverb on the vocal (Testament, early Megadeth). Haven't listened to Foo Fighters' Colour And The Shape on weed yet, but I must try that. Some of the mixing on that album is tripped right the fuck up.

Really Metal, I know, but hey, whatever does the trick. I also dig really 70s stuff like Deep Purple and Hendrix, but when you're on it, who doesn't?!
When I'm high there's not a lot of metal I listen to. Though I'd listen to any motW album while stoned. Listening to the solo of Girl with a Watering Can with my eyes closed while really baked was the closest I have ever come to thinking there was a god.

Besides motW, the metal bands I listen to while high are usually Aghora, Amogh Symphony, and Cynic.
Some of the current music I listen to while getting stoned/ being stoned...
God Is An Astronaunt- The End Of The Beginning (all)
Om- Rays Of The Sun
Pelican- The Creeper
Electric Wizard- Wizard of Gore
Burzum- Dunkelheit
Dodsferd- I was Welcome Only By Death
I don't smoke, but Devin Townsend is good on acid. The multi-layering of his music makes it seem to go off in a hundred different directions and you can get lost in it.
Bongzilla and Electric Wizard d000000d.

Seriously though, I love listening to Ahab and slam like Putrid Pile, Abominable Putridity, and Extirpating the Infected while stoned. Also Amorphis and Dolorian.