Your favorite albums while stoned

What isnt good when high? Well, it all depends on the mood for me, but I typically either want to put something on with a rich/heavy tone or something that is played to immerse you into an atmosphere. Most black metal does it for me quite well.

Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris

If I go on this could get quite lengthy, but listening to any of these is good when blazed imo.

Lykathea Aflame sends me on a journey every time. Walking In The Garden Of Ma'at is like a trip to heaven.
Anything I like stoned,drunk, or on pills like Sober. I rarely smoke pot, but I use to smoke 2,3 days a week max. I never was one of the person who smokes a bowl and than 30 minutes later when your still high wants to smoke more.
Recently it has been random songs by:
Tri-function Million
Jedi Mind Tricks
Ulver (Thier non-black metal stuff)

While speeding (Or back when I was):
Neo Inferno 262
Dubrain Hertz
The Berzerker
Black Sabbath - S/T and Oranssi Pazuzu - Muukalainen Puhuu come to mind. I prefer listening to hip hop while stoned, though.
I kind of get that tbh, I don't smoke because I get insane anxiety when I do, but I've got no issues trying other drugs...idk

Same with me exactly. I smoked back in the 90s when it was just bush weed going around... the hydro shit being sold these days messes with my head. Had DMT back in the day also - need to try and get my hands on some more of it - its the best.
I dont really smoke anymore is not much of a big deal but I have a definite favorite for getting high from back in the day :

Can't beat the moog!
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