Your Favorite "One Hit" Wonders


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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What are some of your favorite "one-hit" wonders? More specifically - what are some songs you like that are the only one by that band you know/listen to right now. The band may be well-known to others, but for some reason, it's the only song you like and/or know right now, and haven't gotten around to listening to more of their music.

Some of mine:

Bi-Furious - Downer
Juggernaut - Crown of Thornz
Victim of Changes - Gamma Ray
Biggest and The Best - Clawfinger
I'm Not Trading - Sunna
Staring At The Sun - Smile
Distortion - Forbidden
There are not really any bands that i only listen to one song of that I can think of. But a band I still love to this day had a MTV one hit wonder. The band is called HUM and their song "stars" was all over MTV some years ago.
only one Forbidden song? You are definitely missing out. Best Thrash band ever, IMO (also best band ever, IMO).

I don't like any one-hit wonders, but here's the ones I only have 1 song for:

Degree Absolute - Pi (since I can't find anything else and they only have a demo that isn't available for purchase)
Hexenhaus - As Darkness Falls (never found any others)
Twelfth Gate - Innocent (nothing else available)
I actually have one self-made compilation CD which contains a couple of these... let's see:
* Queensryche - Eyes Of A Stranger (one of my fav songs of all time, but for some reason, I don't own anything else by Queensryche, although I know a couple more of their songs)
* Danzig - Mother
* Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock :) :) :) :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I think that's it.