Your Favorite Opeth song?

To Bid You Farewell- the trio of two guitars and bass all playing different parts sounds amazing, and the build up into the distorted section always gets me pumped

Patterns in the Ivy 2- Mike is pretty much just showing off with this one, his voice is perfect

Bleak- This song is what Opeth is all about, contrast. Its also got one of the catchiest clean vocal parts in any of their songs.

When- The ending to this song is great. You think the songs over and then it comes back in full force with the emotional clean singing..... and I cried !!!!
To Bid You Farewell. Holy.Shit. I just listened to it for the first time in probably a year, actively listening, not just having it on in the background. It is seriously one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. It's very moving.
Lately, Master's Apprentices has been a very awesome track for me, and I've really been liking it alot lately....the mid section is mint...with a classic little feedbacky solo in there....overall very opethy from start to finish....deliverance is so under-rated!!!!
However, I do want Harvest played at my funeral. I told Mikael Ackerfeldt about this and he was moribly fascinated.:worship: :OMG:
To Bid You Farewell. Holy.Shit. I just listened to it for the first time in probably a year, actively listening, not just having it on in the background. It is seriously one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. It's very moving.

To Bid You Farewell was one of the first Opeth songs I ever heard. Now I am part of the cult. Going to get an Opeth tattoo before I turn 40, but am afaid of the pain (I'm such a pussy).:oops:
The thing I love about Opeth is they don't have any bad songs, or at least to me. I can listen to all of their albums one after another and be perfectly content. But, I've always had a special connection to "To Bid You Farewell".

They're all so good =P.
tats of your favorite band (despite how good theyare) is retarded

Getting a tattoo of a burning skull or a grim reaper could be considered extremely tacky and "retarded" as well. Tattoos aren't about what others think of them, they're about the personal connection. Personally, if I were to regret any tattoo, I would regret something cheesy and cliche like a skull over the Opeth "O" any day. I plan on getting the "O" eventually, and if one day I absolutely hate Opeth, then so be it. But, I'll always remember what they did for me at that moment, how they inspired me to pick my guitar back up, and showed me what music really can be.

To each they're own though.
Blackwater Park, Bleak, Ghost of Perdition, The Baying of the Hounds, Harlequin Forest, Deliverance, Serenity Painted Death... they really ARE all so good.