your favourite band out of these 4

which is your favourite band out of these

  • Emperor

    Votes: 44 59.5%
  • Mayhem

    Votes: 4 5.4%
  • Darkthrone

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • Burzum

    Votes: 18 24.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Emperor, by far. Mayhem is vastly overrated, "Grand Declaration of War" being one of the most overappreciated records of the genre. Unfortunately, Burzum's sole good release (and a brilliant one at that) is "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss," everything aside from it being utter trash. As for Darkthrone, I've always enjoyed "Soulside Journey," however, it's currently the only album I own and have experienced extensively.
Ah, shit. Man, of all the difficult questions. I voted for Burzum because I have been listening to Det Som En Gang Var for alot lately. Otherwise emperor and mayhem are truely great aswell (except of coarse for chimera). Darkthrone are generally my favourite but not right now.
Mayhem, based only on the works before Euronymous' death. DMDS is the best album ever, and that alone makes me rate them as the best of these. PFA and Deathcrush are both great, too, but the post-euro stuff ranges from boring to horrible.
Burzum gets the second spot for the stuff before the synth-stuff
Darkthrone are the only ones that are still worth listening to and deserve a higher place, but with this competition it's not easy.
I've never been a great fan of Emperor, and even though Anthems has a couple of good tracks everything after Nightside is pretty bad.
I am recently of the opinion that Filosofem is the best release from any of these bands.

I did rate Transilvanian Hunger above Under A Funeral Moon but I now rate them fairly equally. I like the latter's atmosphere more, and the former lacks variation, although still being melodically beautiful.

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is a decent album, I like it and I listen to it every so often. I feel that the songs often seem to fall into a rut without really going anywhere, and I'm not a fan of the vocals.

I never liked In the Nightside Eclipse.
I have to say Emperor by a long shot. They have never done any wrong, in my opinion. (Besides splitting up which creates eternal disappointment.)
I like all four bands presented here. Burzum would come in second followed closely by Mayhem then Darkthrone.
Burzum. Only 1 of those 4 to have kept a high consistency over all his albums.
Emperor are a close second. But, I find myself less interested by their later stuff. INTE, still rates up there as my fav album just ahead of Hvis.
Darkthrone not too far behind in 3rd. Again their newer stuff just doesnt compare.

Then Mayhem 4th from this pick, with DMDS being the only worthwhile album imo.
DMDS is clearly not overrated since almost no one voted for them, kthxbye.
If it is some band in this list that is overrated it is surely Emperor.