Your first heavy metal album/tape/cd

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
My first heavy metal purchase was around 1987...I was like 8 or 9, I don't remember, and it was Cinderella's album, Night Songs. I had been listening to bands like Def Leppard and AC/DC since I was about 5 years old, but Cinderella was the first one I purchased.

From that point on, I was hooked.

Still love Somebody Save Me to this day.
I think I bought 'Slayer - Divine Intervention' when I was about 11.
Van Halen & Fire House

My step mom had them when she was in highschool, i happened to find them with a bunch of old AC/DC tapes and some CD's.

My first metal CD i owned was Pantera: Cowboys From Hell.

Started listening to blues before the halen, stuff like BB King, SRV (lots of SRV) and Jimi Hendrix. Then is expanded.
Scorpions World Wide Live video tape , i found it when i was 10 in my uncle's antiques
I don't recollect what my first metal cassette was. I used to just listen to my parents' cassette collection which including some Metallica, some Megadeth and others. In 1992, I religiously listened to Dream Theater - Images and Words and prior to that, I used to listen to Queensryche - Empire very often.

I got my first CD player in 1994 and purchased my first CD with it. I got Megadeth - Rust in Peace.