Your first heavy metal album/tape/cd

One of my friends was a huge led zeppelin fanboy, and he worked with this uber christian guy for a while who would constantly tell him how satanic Zep was, but then turn around and praise Sabbath as the best band ever. His reasoning: Sabbath just used it as an image, but LED ZEPPELIN REALLY CONJURED UP SATAN sweet satan.
I'll be cool and admit it...

System of a Down S/T.

I was probably 13 or 14.

First real metal album...

Symphony X - The Odyssey, recommended to me by a very good friend, at 16.
Oh yeah, can't forget Stryper...that was probably the second one I bought. I had Soldiers Under Command and To Hell with the Devil. They actually had some pretty badass riffs...I still like a few songs.

I actually love there version of Shining Star

my first was either Metallica MOP, COB FTR or if i got them when i think i did my mom gave me her Judas Priest CD's (Hell Bent For Leather, Painkiller :) ) i dont really remember what came first.
I got my first exposure to zeppelin and black sabbath as a little kid. I can't remember my age I think I was 8 or 9.

My most memorable moment was when I brought home my Seventh son of a Seventh son album. I was already a maiden fan by then but that one I so adored more then any at the time, I was 12 or 13 I think. My memory could be fogging up on the exact date.

The other most memorable. I've said it before but I forgot to mention the other cassette I got with it. I got my first Sanctuary tape on a whim because I was board and wanted to listen to something new. In the tape store and just grabbed it without ever listening to it, and never heard of them before. I also grabbed my first Enya tape with that one. I had no idea what that was going to sound like, and knew damn well that Enya wasn't even metal. Well, I loved both of them and Sanctuary was right up there next to Maiden for me. I think that was in 89. Lets just say that I had a gut feeling that I would love them both.
does gift count? if so on my like 9th birthday my brother got me the black album and i was like holy shit this rules. for first real metal purchase by me it would probably be children of bodom - hatebreeder. say what you will about children of bodom now but when i first heard that when i was 12 i was like holy fuck i've never heard anything this different and amazing and still to this day its that awesome.
Oh yeah, can't forget Stryper...that was probably the second one I bought. I had Soldiers Under Command and To Hell with the Devil. They actually had some pretty badass riffs...I still like a few songs.

They may have been all PRO GOD and shit but dude the guitar tone they had in the 80s was bad ass. Super fucking heavy.

I swear if they played thrash they would have been one of the best sounding bands out then. I still listen occasionally I am not afraid to admit I still like this band.