Your Local Metal Coffee shop...

I agree with the sex flavoured ice cream idea, the cannabis burning room idea and the PG Tips idea.
Holy shit, that was the most intelligent thing you've ever said.

Now to throw in my two cents; I think you're wasting your time. There isn't a large enough following of metalheads, let alone metalheads who will think it would be "fun" to go to a coffee shop and hang out. The only thing this metal coffee shop will attract is all of those hipster homos who listen to nothing but metalcore and shop at hot topic.

If I were you, I'd come up with some other idea.

Everyone I know drinks coffee or tea.
Everyone I know drinks coffee or tea.

That's nice. But how many of your metalhead friends have ever come up to you and said, "You know, I wish there was a metal themed coffee shop that we could go hang out to drink coffee and socialize with my fellow metalheads. Yes, that would be a fantabulous day."

My guess is ZERO.
You know, I wish there was a metal themed coffee shop that we could go hang out to drink coffee and socialize with my fellow metalheads. Yes, that would be a fantabulous day.
That's nice. But how many of your metalhead friends have ever come up to you and said, "You know, I wish there was a metal themed coffee shop that we could go hang out to drink coffee and socialize with my fellow metalheads. Yes, that would be a fantabulous day."

My guess is ZERO.

Simply because they haven't thought of it. I think it would be enjoyable. Most of my friends who are metalheads are social. And they like talking about metal. And they like coffee. I don't understand why you're standing against this so vehemently.
Because it's a disaster waiting to happen? I'm just against it from a business perspective because, the point in owning a business is to make money. That coffee shop isn't going to make money. Therefore it's a bad idea.
Many people in this thread have made surprisingly good points.

That coffee shop isn't going to make money. Therefore it's a bad idea.

It depends. The metal scene is far larger in other countries than in the US. I would venture to guess that it's much more popular in a place like Melbourne than, say, Cincinnati (I know there's a small one here, but most of the bands suck ass). If there's a large population of people that enjoy metal in that particular area of Melbourne, you have the opportunity for substantial profit making.

The majority of coffee shops here are either Starbucks or some hipster faggot coffee shop near a college campus.

That said, you have to research the market before implementing such changes or opening a specialized shop all together. If there's no market for it, you will get no business, period.

You might want to try just opening a regular ol' coffee shop (especially if there are none in your part of town). Do heavy advertising to get people to come. Offer free stuff, etc. Once this is done, you can gauge specific interest by surveying customers/neighbors/friends on how to improve the place, if they have an interest in buying merchandise (ANY merchandise, mind you) from your store that doesn't pertain to the store's core competency (in this case, coffee and the like).

If the scene is big enough, you could try having events that deal with metal, like having local bands play.

That's a good way to gauge interest really. It's low cost (maybe a small cover charge or a percentage of merchandise goes to the band, etc) and if you lose a large customer base for a few hours, it's not the end of the world. Just make sure to advertise that you're going to have local groups playing so it piques the interest of current or potential customers.

I should have gone into Marketing.
More ideas:

1) Have longer hours for people who work the day shift.
2) Sell alcohol if it's possible. There are coffee shops around here that also serve alcohol (not sure if it's more than beer though). You could get the happy hour crowd that way, too. It could be like Panera + Beer
Open it in Finland. The Finns love metal, and they love coffee.

The only problem would be that you would have to sell "popular" metal merchandise. I mean, you could try and sell Beherit merch, but I doubt most people would buy it. If you want to make money, you'll have to sell clothing with Nightwish and H.I.M. on it.

Then it would just be like a Hot Topic though. You know what, don't listen to me. Do what you want.
I was going to say what Ozzman said but the motivation to be serious ran out after I said the bit about seeing if the market is there.