Your NW Tour Opening Act Says "Hello"!

Foil Von Franksnbeans

New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2004

Bill from the Misfats here. We're going to be opening for y'all at Barracuda's in Portland and the Crocodile Cafe in Seattle. We're four portly gents who cover Misfits songs, but change the lyrics to be about food and the "Fat Lifestyle" - so "20 Eyes" becomes "20 Pies", "I Turned Into A Martian" becomes "I Turned Into A Lardass", etc., etc (for more info on our schtick, you can go to our web site ).

I am stoked as hell to see you ladies tear it up. I play guitar in the Misfats, but before that, I played bass for fifteen years, and the sole reason I started was so I could learn to play Steve Harris basslines. Maiden is the schiznit, and from what I've seen of you gals, you more than do 'em justice - you sound every bit as good as the real thing.

We are pleased, honored, and flattered as hell to open up for you.
Foil Von Franksnbeans said:
I played bass for fifteen years, and the sole reason I started was so I could learn to play Steve Harris basslines..

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been playing bass for five years now and that is the same reason I started playing. Harris was my main influence along with early albums from METALLICA! BASS RULES!
MexToTheMa said:
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been playing bass for five years now and that is the same reason I started playing. Harris was my main influence along with early albums from METALLICA! BASS RULES!

Absolutely. Bass is hella fun. Here are the Harris basslines that I found to be the most challenging:

Phantom of the Opera
Innocent Exile
Aces High
Caught Somewhere In Time

I think there's no better way to learn the bass than by playing Maiden songs. They build endurance, and also teach you to use three (and not just two) fingers when plucking. And those early Metallica albums are nuts, as well.

Bass solo, take one...
Foil Von Franksnbeans said:
Absolutely. Bass is hella fun. Here are the Harris basslines that I found to be the most challenging:

Phantom of the Opera
Innocent Exile
Aces High
Caught Somewhere In Time

I think there's no better way to learn the bass than by playing Maiden songs. They build endurance, and also teach you to use three (and not just two) fingers when plucking. And those early Metallica albums are nuts, as well.

Bass solo, take one...

invaders i learned last week, not too bad. phantom - not too bad - innocent exile - 9/10 difficulty i think and aces is easy. caught somewhere i havnt tried to learn yet. and YES! cliff was the man....... anestesia (pulling teeth) very very awesome song. i learned the whole thing. that was the second song i learned on bass, and the first song was master of puppets.

Welcome, Bill! When I heard about your band from the promoter I just about shit myself! I definitely wanna be sure to catch you guys! This is gonna be a blast!!!!!!!! See ya in a couple and a half weeks!:wave:
MexToTheMa said:
invaders i learned last week, not too bad. phantom - not too bad - innocent exile - 9/10 difficulty i think and aces is easy. caught somewhere i havnt tried to learn yet. and YES! cliff was the man....... anestesia (pulling teeth) very very awesome song. i learned the whole thing. that was the second song i learned on bass, and the first song was master of puppets.

I love Anesthesia - it is one awesome song!! I'm a guitar player but I loved that one so much that I had to learn it on my brother's bass (which is now mine!). For Whom The Bell Tolls is another great, and very easy one, to play - love the intro it's awesome!! I've tried playing some 'Arry basslines and they are just so bloody hard - that man has some fast fingers!! Guess I'll just stick to the guitar!! :D