Your opinion on loading a cabinet...


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Dec 12, 2005
I just received a pair of "made in England" Vintage 30's. I've got a Marshall 2x12 that I usually use for recording which houses a pair of G12T-75's. I've also got a 5150 cab with the stock Scheffields.

What would you do in my position, replace the 75's in the Marshall 2x12 or replace 2 of the Scheffields in the 5150 cab?
This would be mainly for recording purposes.

I've never used vintage 30's before. By anybody's experience do they sound just as good in a 2x12, because that's what I'm inclined to do.
I would put the V30s in the 5150 cab in a X-pattern with the T75s and put the sheffields in the 2x12. Its a nice combo.