Your opionion? Swap out Tim Shaw PUPs for EMGs in a LP Custom?


Oct 9, 2007
Hey guys,

last August I bought a '83 (my birth-year) Gibson LP Custom with the much sought-after Tim Shaw-PAFs and I really loved the sound at first (at least through my amps). Now I'm in the middle of recording for my band and I'm constantly in doubt that the pickups are as tight as I wished they were. So - for recording - I often switch to my EC-1000 with an EMG 85 in the bridge.

I know it's a dumb-ass question and a pure "Yes" or "No" can't answer it, because of course it's a matter of taste and the EMGs are tighter than any PAF on the planet, but: would YOU swap them out? It's not any "regular" guitar and the Tim Shaw's aren't regular Pickups in a "collectors sense" - so swapping out maybe would have an impact on the value of the guitar (not that I want to sell it).
I wouldn´t do it... Its a special guitar and it sounds how it sounds. If you want a tight EMG sound: safe a bit money and buy a EMG equipped guitar.

There will be plenty of situations in which your Gibby with PAFs suits the sound/song better than a EMG equipped guitar... and there will be plenty of situations where the EMG equipped guitar will be the better choice. Good to have them both^^
The old Tim Shaw's are still in there ... :D
I still haven't gotten my head around it - but I'm pretty sure, that I'll order the ZW solderless kit tomorrow (EMG 85 and 81).