Your own songs?

Originally posted by rnHatred
Hey IceHearth
you're recording is in studio ? or it is a fucking miracle home-sound quality ? :p
I'm asking 'cause my band and I looking to record our first demo, but studio is so fucking expensive and home record have so fucking cheapos sound quality !

PS. sorry for my bad english, the only word i really know is "FUCK"

Well, "Fuck" is the word you need you're welcome! :D

On pourrait aussi parler francais... ;)

And yes, we recorded in a wasn't that expensive...we are 5, so we shared the bill...
If you want a good sounding home recording you should think about buying a good soundcard, a multitrack recording prog ( like f.ex. "Pro Tools" ), an Interface etc. can also get good sound without entering a's all a question of equipment... :headbang:
"you want a good sounding home recording you should think about buying a good soundcard, a multitrack recording prog ( like f.ex. "Pro Tools" ), an Interface etc. can also get good sound without entering a's all a question of equipment..."

Yes... anyway.. high-quality equipement is something we know :p
We finally got a nice sound with the mixage machine of my drummer... well good sound for a demo ! maybe i'll put some link to sample here...

Un groupe du Quebec ou de la France ? C toujours bon de connaitre des groupes encore underground :p Nous en tk c du Quebec... dans les fin fond de l'abitibi

Originally posted by Iceheart
Thanx!! :) ....but what do you mean with "the end of it"? ...there's a fade out... :p

Yeah, I know, I mean the last part of the sample (must be the bridge or interlude in the whole song - by the way, I would like to listen to the whole thing !!!)

weeeellll, you can download my song at:

its done for songwriting contest... its very keyboard oriented and nothing like CoB or something. its instrumental, very keyboard-oriented etc.

all but keyboards were done on a computer.

some feedback please!!