YOUR songs (MIDies, MP3s etc.)


Bitchkilling motherfucker
Have you ever made a song? Most of you have. But I'm too lazy to check the older threads and find your songs. So if you wish you could post the links to your songs in MID or MP3 file format here, so people can find them all in one thread. Pleaze do not make posts like "I haven't made a song" - they are useless - instead just don't post. And it'll be very kind from you not to comment on others' songs - please do it in other thread - this one is just for links to the songs. Thanks in advance!!!
PS - nope, I haven't done a song
You can download one of my originals here:

I suggest you just right-click and select 'Save as' or 'Save target as'.

There is only two tracks, the rythym and the lead, which are both written and recorded by me. The timing is a little off in some parts and the mid solo is completely improvised, poorly. I was really drunk while recording the mid solo so you'll notice some of it is off key. I don't remember the original solo I wrote when I wrote the song, so I'll have to rewrite it. Also, there is no drum track (yet). When I create the drum track, I'm going to completely re-record it (sober hopefully). I've just been so busy lately so I haven't had any time to create the drums. Anyways, check it out.

NP: Freedom Call - Tears Falling
This band is called Acrid Semblance. Not mine but my country's first awesome band!!!
3 songs there...."Baptised Within" is my fav. BTW the link is in my sig:p
I can't listen, because my computer's voices don't work, :erk:

My other band member would kill me if he knew I put this here :grin:, but here's an Guitar Pro version of my band's, Old Man Willow's instrumental song, Celebration Of Periannath (All our songs aren't like this :grin: ):,tab,tab_list&keyword=celebration+of+periannath

I'll soon publish a revisited version of it with basses and a little different drums.