your settings...


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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I'm just curious as to what you guitar players are doing, tone-wise with your amp settings? Do you use a lot of mids or no?? Dumb question, just curious. I notice that Slayer may be one of the only metal bands to really crank the mids...I'm guilty of that "scooped" sound myself. All bass, all treb, no mids. Am I missing out?!?!?
Well, when playing by myself, I may crank the scooped mids, but when playing with my drummer, I can't because it sucks too much sound, and I find a really nice mid driven tone, with almost no bass, and half treble.
This gives me a nice Opeth to Dark Tranquillity type sound depending on what I do with gain and the mids.

Prescence- 4
Bass- 7.5
Mids- 7
Treb- 7
Gain- 6.5
Drive- 8

Then an EQ in the fx loop in basically a shallow v, so I scoop the mids out just a little with it just to shape the sound without causing the bad effects of scrooping mids, which is getting totally lost in the mix. There is a reason nu-metal bands sound like shit live. bass player covers the bass eq side, drummer's symbols drown out highs, guitar has to be in the middle of the mix when you play live.

if you have a band just try it sometime, turn everything up the practice volumes and mess with the mids while you guys play.
i do it do mi 'eq'ing with total rock attitude.... everything at 10!!!
and as far as i know, saley are one of the most scooped mids bands
no way is slayer scooped. When i first bought my dual recto i cranked the mids and i instantly had the slayer tone. Yeh my setting are bass around 10 o clock mids round 2 o clock highs round 1 o clock presence round 1-2 o clock.
Since i have a POD Pro, it is easy to get tons of sounds i like, plus i can share them with others, and i can take others'. What I Usually do is I check out this guy Philbert, he's a Line 6 Tonehead, and he can get some great thiings out of his POD. He has a website where you can basically download his sounds, soo i do that, and thenI tweak them to my standards.

Check out his site, even if you don't own a POD.
Generally, I have:

high = 6/10
mid = 7/10
low = 5/10
gain= 7/10

But I use my Korg Hyperdistortion to scoop the mids a bit. I use the amp for a mid boost so I keep some fullness in my tone.

I generally have any tube amp I play through to match this.

I have my RedBear (gibson) head set to this, and my Bogner Fish preamp set to similar, but on the brown channel...
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Well, when playing by myself, I may crank the scooped mids, but when playing with my drummer, I can't because it sucks too much sound, and I find a really nice mid driven tone, with almost no bass, and half treble.
What he said is dead on. When I am jamming by myself, I crank up the treble and bass and lower the mids as it gives you a more "full" sound since the guitar is an instrument designed to carry the mid-tones and adding treble and bass gives a bigger sound. However, when you add drums and a bass, because of the bass, bass drums and cymbals, your low and high end get drowned out by the low and high end of the bass and drumset. You want the mids to shine through and so you tweak back on the lows and highs and add the mids, especially if you are playing a solid state amp that doesn't give you the natural harmonics created with the overdriven tubes.

my tube screamer adds a lot of mids that dont sound too good by myself, so i made the mistake of turning down all the mids on my amp for recording and everything, and you could barely hear me for shit


so we had to throw out those recordings it sucked
Bass - 8
Mid - 3.5 to 4
Treb - 9.5 to 10
Drive 10
Reverb - 2 to 3

Mostly using the Modern Hi-Gain (Soldano) on my POD 2.3. It's a very Metal sound! :rock:
My current favourite sound for everything from thrash to doom (but not black metal) uses the British Hi Gain (JCM800) simulation on my V-Amp2 with some other cabinet and:

Gain: 10
Bass: 6
Mid: 7
Treble: 8.5

It's not really your traditional metal sound I suppose, not very extreme, gives great clarity though... I like it. When I record I boost the high frequencies with Sound Forge and get a great sound.
tedvanfrehley said:
interesting stuff. thanks guys....
BY THE WAY, BOBVEX...IS THAT YOUR "V"? That's just badass!
yeah thats mine, its a cheap model too, haha. The yellow is hand done by me and my Girlfriend. it came out really nice.