To Scoop or Not TO Scoop? Mids?


Jun 3, 2004
Hi people, how are you all? I needed some comments on my question. THe thoery behind the scoop and not to scoop themids on the amp. Is it better to scoop or the other way round?

Because i have noticed before all the drop tuning crazz. All bands on standard tuning E scoop their Mids and then after these recent years bands suing drop tuning started boosting their mids.......

Is it like Standard tuning equals scooped Mids and DROp tuning Boost mids?

Alot of people say boost your mids not to scoop it .... but if you have Seen Andy's Krank Revo amp settings he has Scooped his mids to 2 i think and that alot ...........
I like mids. I think thats where all the good warm tones are. If you scoop it too much it seems to sound distant in the mix. But yeah, like James said, use your ears.
If i boost the mids should the treble and Bass be up front of the mids or should the mids go over the treble and bass?

I know this sounds kind of weird ....

Also does boosting the mids mean i have to decrease my gain ?
Bands like Carcass used to get a tone that would rip your head off and they used a lot of mids!


I believe a scooped sound to be a combination of both so maybe try something like Bass at 5, Mids at 2 and Treble at 7.

It all depends on your amp and if your amp has a Presence control on it. A lot of people I know fail to roll back on the Presence and scoop their mids and what they get is so trebly that it'd make your ears bleed!

Edit: Whoops! I mis-read your question! As for boosting your mids do as James said just use your ear to find a tone that you like. I have say Bass on 4, Mids on 7 and Treble on 5 or 6 and that's the tone I usually stick with.
HI DiscipleOfThePit would the setting you told me which is for boosting the mids "I have say Bass on 4, Mids on 7 and Treble on 5 or 6" wil work for standard tuning with an EMG 85?
When recording sometimes it's a good idea to do 1 or 2 tracks with a good helping of mids, then 1 or 2 tracks with more of a scooped sound in the mids. Well, at least IMO.
i have scoop on my marshall modefour ( no tube amp i know, i hate the tone ) anyway. when your standing close to the amp scoops sounds kinda cool. but if your standing in front of it ( 5 meters ) it really got this fucked up sound when you palm mute. and the crowd is standing in front of itso, i never scoop. and i don't scoop for leads
I always have my BASS and HIGH's a lot higher than my MID's. I would conquer with James in this matter... listen with your ear. Go for the sound that you're looking for.

As Jordie from Reading Rainbow would put it, "Dont take my word for it, go read it yourself". LMAO :rock:
Alot of it depends on what amp your using too. Different amps put out different mids. When using a rectifier ill usually leave the mid flat, with a jcm 2000 ill cut a little, and with a 5150 ill barely boost it maybe to 5 and a half. Also it really depends on the cab and the speakers in it etc...

Blah why am i even saying any of this it all comes down to the ear at the end of the day, once again.
There's a lot of different frequency range characteristics that can exist within the term "mids." I'm not a big fan of the BBE maximizers generally, they tend to over-scoop things. It really depends on the context of the music. Too much midrange can make your guitars sound boxy (which is awesome if you're Jimmy Page!), and can make them fight the vocals.

If you play detuned stuff like I do, the 400-500 hz (low mid) range is a very important component to your overall sound, avoid cutting anything here at all costs. 4-5 khz is a great range for highs. If I do any scooping at all it's usually around 1-1.5k or so, but it's a really good idea to make these decisions once the bass, drums, and vocals are in place in a reasonable fashion. There are no rules, my sound is probably not your sound, and vice versa! Experiment!
viva_360 said:
HI DiscipleOfThePit would the setting you told me which is for boosting the mids "I have say Bass on 4, Mids on 7 and Treble on 5 or 6" wil work for standard tuning with an EMG 85?

It should be alright, those settings were just for a rough idea. Just play around with your amp for a few hours and see what sound you most like.