Your Slang Dictionary


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Saw it on a different forum and thought it was interesting…

Do you have a special slang that is 100% yours and that you use a lot?
Weird expressions or stuff you say all the time?

I always love hearing people use cool words/ slang/ expressions: so please share them! :loco:

Ok, I have a few silly things I say all the time and my friends tend to quote me with those too:

Slang dictionary:

“Cheapo-Depot” - refers to cheap places that sell cheap quality crap. i.e. Walmart/ Ross/ Dollar store/ China town etc…..

“Metal to the core and ugliness galore” - refers to those really butchie metal chicks that tend to be aggressive and sweaty
that all of you see in every metal show.

“Satanic Hispanic” – these are the real hard core Hispanic metal fans that will not miss a single show, always at the front row,
always with horns up, and always with leather jackets full of spikes/ jeans jackets full of patches.

“Combinations” – this is when someone has connections and uses them to get something/ or somewhere
Example: “you did some combinations and you got this backstage pass huh?”

“The food of the future- You eat Thursday’s food on a Monday’s dinner” - refers to those nasty buffet places that obviously have old food:
i.e. Boston Market/ Sbarro/ Any Chinese restaurant/ Cici’s/ any nasty buffet

“Digger” – someone who talks too much all the fucking time, like digging in your brain non stop.

haha, this is fun.
PAPsmeared - This is what I call getting drunk at my favorite joint, Pies And Pints. They also have the most amazing pot pies ever.
StarFucks: those people who are so into their coffee they have to announce what they got and make a big scene about getting to whatever the cool coffee house is nearby.

The one that came to me off the top of me head.
Buttsecks - well... buttsex, or anal. but with a different spelling cause me and the guys are awesome like that. it's a constant theme of ours. we think saying Anal is too grown-up. we wanna be immature so we say "Buttsecks" cause it sounds more childish.
So you actually say "BUTT S-E-C-K-S! hahahahahaha!!" or 'you and the guys' are online friends?
Dirty Alabama Blue Gummed Gay my pals From Outerspace:Cop is nearby, drive carefully.

And then one time my friends little sister had this thing over named Sheldon. It was one of those flat chested ginger kids so we call those Sheldons now.
So you actually say "BUTT S-E-C-K-S! hahahahahaha!!" or 'you and the guys' are online friends?

well, that's how we spell it when we ARE online. but we aren't online friends like that, no. we just think anal sucks, so we call it buttsex cause cause it's more childish. that's the way to be muthafucka
I was told at work yesterday that I have my very own language, "Samantha Speak", though I can't really think of any examples. It was brought up when I described my radio technique as a "plethora of suckage".
Not sure if I'm the only one who uses this, but....

Sexcellent- very, very excellent

Thrashturbate- Makes you want to bang your head and whack off at the same time
(Sabina Classen makes me want to thrashturbate)

Other than that, I might use some of Sacrifice's slang once in a while
"Fucknut" - Just a lame insult.

"Fucking Fat Ass" - refers to any giagantic asshole male or female who decides to walk infront of me while I'm driving. This happens to me about 3 times a week. I don't care if you weigh enough to be classified as a van, stay on the sidewalk and use crosswalks.

"Gaydar" - A word used to describe a homophobic's reaction to a homosexual.

"Oi" - Hello/Goodbye. Not necessarily unique to me, but I seem to be the only one who uses it up here.

"Aye" - Yes. Again, I seem to be the only one who uses it up here.
I have but one, eternal word: SARD. And you KNOW what it means.

I was told at work yesterday that I have my very own language, "Samantha Speak", though I can't really think of any examples. It was brought up when I described my radio technique as a "plethora of suckage".

And your language makes sense to most of US at least.
General laziness, or not caring for something is the simplest definition I can give. "I sard shaving today," or "I so fucking sard sweetmeats."