Your Stage Personality


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
This one is for the musicians here and was inspired by a convo in the Trixxi thread........... When your on stage or in rehersal do you take on a stage personality? What I mean by that is when I play I'm JonnyD but the rest of the time I'm Jonah, About half the time posting here its as Jonny Does that make sense????? :headbang:
I am pretty much Bryant. : / I don't dislike gimmicks or costumes but they aren't for me. I typically wear jeans, sneakers (sometimes hiking boots purely for comfort as I have flat feet) and t-shirts (concert t-s, t-s with cartoon characters on them or Bama or Steelers T-s) if I am not in work uniform and I do the same on stage. The only thing I really do different, aside from strapping on a guitar and putting a pick in my hand is let my hair down. I am a showman, but I am like that in real life as well. I definitely have a type A+ personality and I hate to be wrong, and hate to not be the best at everything I do. I like to be the center of attention and am extremely competitve.
I don't have any normal "stage moves" to speak of, but when not singing harmony parts or soloing I am all over the stage and try to look like I am having fun. 95% of the time I am having fun unless I am doing a song I am very unfamiliar with and I am having to give 100% concentration to not missing a chord change. That is where the stage moves come in. I can do the normal head banging and guitar faces if I am having to concentrate too hard on the song, but I never get relaxed and a whole set of that and I would get pretty repetitive.

I am Trent normally. However when it comes to rock & roll I am Trixxi Trash! David Lee Roth, Vince Neil, Bret Michaels & Paul Stanley rolled into one! Except a guitarist, not a singer hahahaha! Gotta be flamboyant I think!


But I gotta say, Trixxi Trash has been taking over alot of aspects of Trent's life haha! I am becoming Trixxi!
I'm not a musicain, unless playing air guitar in your room, with your mom's broom, trying not to get caught counts. :)
BUT if i were in a band, i'd love to have like a shock rock gimmick. Alice Copper meets King Diamond. Make-up, weird costumes and all.
Great Posts Guys! I dont really go for costumes and gimmick in that sense its more of my mental condition lol Jonny just takes over.... and the half way decent Jonah gets locked away for a lil while ...... I mean I do the standard Moving around the last 2 bands I was in I HAD to the guitar players were like stone which left me bouncing around like Frank Bello! one of the biggest downfalls to this is Jonny likes to be the center of attention lol He likes his Bass turned alllllll they way up lol ...... hahahaha Man Trent/Trixxi I know what ya mean lol for the last year or so I have Kept Jonny down lol as soon as I broke up with that bitch Jonny came out to play ..... and basiclly did a ton of coke lol Everytime Jonny Takes over for a long period trouble happens lol .................... Do I sound insane????? hahahaha
Wicked Child said:
I'm not a musicain, unless playing air guitar in your room, with your mom's broom, trying not to get caught counts. :)
BUT if i were in a band, i'd love to have like a shock rock gimmick. Alice Copper meets King Diamond. Make-up, weird costumes and all.

its all good man I think we have all been there I'm sure I still play Air guitar every chance I get :D But I'll tell ya what for this thread you are an Honorary Musician We will Call you Wicked Diamond Cooper!
Wicked Child said:
oh hell yes!!!! But the fact that he's a total ass off stage brings my respect for him down a little.

Same here. I could never really get into him because he's always "Diamond Dave", but some people like him for just that reason. :)
Greeno said:
Same here. I could never really get into him because he's always "Diamond Dave", but some people like him for just that reason. :)
Why, is beyond me. It's always him, him, him. He's got an ego to fill up Texas, despite the fact his voice isn't all that anymore and his hair looks like the hair of the dude from Tales From The Crypt! He has no reason to be an egotistical shit licker!
Wicked Child said:
Why, is beyond me. It's always him, him, him. He's got an ego to fill up Texas, despite the fact his voice isn't all that anymore and his hair looks like the hair of the dude from Tales From The Crypt! He has no reason to be an egotistical shit licker!

He sounded great on the albums but the live boot videos I've seen he sounds like total crap. He does put on a great show but live his singing was secondary. He would forget the lyrics and everything! :lol:
Trixxi Trash said:
He sounds good on the US Festival show though I think. A hell of a lot better than Mr. Neil!

Ouch! Have to disagree there Trixxi. Don't get me wrong, I like Dave and all, I just don't think he's a "rock god".... like he himself does. :) If I remeber right he forgets the words to a couple songs on that video. I love those early VH albums though!!!

You're right though, Vince did sound a little rough. I just saw that video for the first time a couple week ago thanks to our good friend Ted. Thanks again Ted!!!!
Yeah Motley play a great set but they are rough as guts on it! Mick plays wrong chords all over the place and Vince missed notes, skips words, sings out of tune and gets words wrong in every song! Pretty much like he does now but he's even worse now haha!

It's still a great set though because no matter how much they fuck up, they always have that real authenticity, attitude, spirit & energy about them that VERY few bands can match and no matter what they do, its magic. They had a real chemistry between them. And Vince is a great frontman still, just needs to learn to sing ALL the words and not skip half of them!

I know Dave forgets some words and stuff too, but at least he sings better than Vince hahaha! And his voice is in pretty good shape. Also, I know Motley Crue were pretty wasted by the time they got on stage at that show, and I think Dave was a bit trashed as well. Nobody seemed to be sober when they played back then haha!
Trixxi Trash said:
they always have that real authenticity, attitude, spirit & energy about them that VERY few bands can match and no matter what they do, its magic.

I totally agree!! I'm not a fan of their later albums, I stopped buying their albums after Theater Of Pain, but I always tried to see them when they came to town. They were an amazing live band!!! Some friends and I saw them 2 nights in a row on the Girls Girls Girls tour. Saw them the first night, rented a hotel room and partied all night, got up the next morning and partied some more then saw them again that night! I even caught one of Tommy's drum sticks!!!! Still have it. They were also the first metal band I saw live. Saw them on the Theater Of Pain tour with Loudness opening up....... DAMN I MISS THE 80'S! :)