Your Stage Personality

Ohhhh that sounds awesome seeing them 2 nights in a row on that tour & partying all night! I wanna do that haha!

I love all the '80s Crue albums really except Girls Girls Girls only has a few good songs and the rest is very bland filler. You could really tell they were burned out on that one and needed a break to clean themselves up! Which worked because Feelgood I think was their best since the first 2 (which are easily the best 2), but despite the massive stageshow I've heard some bad reports about the Feelgood tour from people that the magic just wasn't there anymore. Maybe they needed to be trashed and not be clean? Haha!

Then again I've only heard that from people who saw them on the Australian leg of the Feelgood tour, and that was right at the very tail end of the tour when they even say in The Dirt that they were burned out, tired and sick of touring and weren't enjoying getting up to play each night anymore and finding it very hard to stay clean at the time too because their addictions were catching up with them again I think.
usually wear a denim vest, cause it makes me feel like thrashing, then vocals without headbanging or really showing off, just playing bass or guitar in a kind of trance, its hard enough to keep my mind on instrument and vocals!
=Trixxi Trash]Yeah Motley play a great set but they are rough as guts on it! Mick plays wrong chords all over the place and Vince missed notes, skips words, sings out of tune and gets words wrong in every song! Pretty much like he does now but he's even worse now haha!

That's strange. I have seen The Crue three times and Mick Mars was like a machine every time. He wasn't wild on stage but I never heard him miss a single note much less play some wrong chords. Vince on the other hand was pretty winded especially the last time I saw them and didn't sing half the words to the songs.

Yeah Vince never sings all the words.

I think Mick is extremely tight nowadays but this was at the end of the Too Fast For Love tour and he hit alot of wrong power chords, for example in the Looks That Kill riff a couple of times etc. I think like alot of bands with longevity they become like machines as they go along (Kiss are tight as fuck live) but at this particular early show Mick was all over the place. I don't think his guitar was totally in tune either which didn't help.
Trixxi Trash said:
Yeah Vince never sings all the words.

I think Mick is extremely tight nowadays but this was at the end of the Too Fast For Love tour and he hit alot of wrong power chords, for example in the Looks That Kill riff a couple of times etc. I think like alot of bands with longevity they become like machines as they go along (Kiss are tight as fuck live) but at this particular early show Mick was all over the place. I don't think his guitar was totally in tune either which didn't help.
Damned Trix how old are you ? TFfL was a loooong time ago. I'm a guitarist for over twenty years and (not trying to brag here) but I could probably play every Mick Mars lick and solo behind my head if I practiced it in a pretty short time, but I give Mick one special Kudo. He is the absolutely most instantly recognizable guitarist I have ever heard. I remember (though I don't remember the particular song) listening to the radio and I heard three chords of a new Crue song and knew it was Motley Crue. He has a totally unique sound and I respect him for that.

Yeah me too! I think he is great because he is so recognisable and so central to the MOTLEY SOUND!

I was just commenting on Motley's trashed performance at that festival! I have it on video, wasn't there obviously haha! (I'm 21, so I was less than a year old when it happened HAHA!)