Your Tax Dollars at Work

I just received this email this afternoon:

From: K***********, Linda (CSO-C)

Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 12:34 PM

To: CSO-C All Local (CSO-C)

Subject: Don't Cry! Its Two-Ply....


Our thanks to the facilities personnel who have removed all one-ply toilet paper rolls and have graciously replaced it with two-ply rolls!

Did you notice?

Things are definitely looking up these days....

Lin K************

Secretary for the Director

exactly...I had to do some AIDs awareness training a few years ago, and one of our blue collar guys raised his hand and said, "well, we have a few man/wimmen bathrooms and what if there is minstrel flow on the turlet seat??"
on a related note, HQ dictated to us which PDAs we could buy, we ordered the Treo 300. It arrived today and I've spent three hours loading software, synching it up with my Outlook, learning the features...and our lead just ran over and said, "hold your horses, HQ just called and says we can't use the Treo 300 after all!"
