Your thoughts on the supernatural....

Derek's ghostly family experiences are the inspiration for this thread.
I love hearing people's beliefs on the subject.

I have had many "ghostly" experiences. I have witnessed them with my own eyes. My father's side of the family going back many generations have possessed different "gifts" Seeing, communicating. telekinesis, you name it.
These things have always been in my life and interested me.
Anyway I better get back to work. (damn)

I'll be looking forward to hearing everyone's opinions and ideas on this.
a bunch of shit has happened in my house... when my mom was watching TV downstairs, she saw my great grandmother. when she was doing the dishes, she felt someone touch her shoulder, nobody was there.

I saw someone walk down my hallway (thought it was my mom), and I went to follow, but the door leading downstaiirs didn't open, nor was anyone else in the house.

Sitting up in my room in silence on the computer, I've heard my name several times. Nobody was home, no tvs were on, the birds downstairs were asleep (some can say my name). In going downstairs, it felt like something was urging me to fall down the steps.. like a push. When I went back upstairs, I felt the same urge/push to go back into my room.
if it can't be proved by science, then it's usually a bunch of bollocks or people tripping off acid. then again no one can really know the truth.
Outwardly sceptical, especially of the commonly spiritual/supernatural. In my heart, I tend to associate with something deeper than the external, tangible world, though.
Once, I woke up during the night when someone/something threw a remotecontrol on my face. Nobody was in my room. I was freaking out.

Another time, I was sitting by the computer, and I happened to see a glimpse of something through the mirror in my room. Looked like if someone ran through my room at me. I was freakin out again.
haha, don't even get me started with this topic :)

I'll be typing all week!
derek said:
Outwardly sceptical, especially of the commonly spiritual/supernatural. In my heart, I tend to associate with something deeper than the external, tangible world, though.

^ This very much describes my own take on it.
Bacchante said:
haha, don't even get me started with this topic :)

I'll be typing all week!

yah me too. UGH i hate it when i hit the backspace button to delete a letter and it just goes back a page, totally erasing everything i just wrote grrrrrrr :mad:

a lotta stuff happened at my grandma's house. none of it exaggerated to my knowledge, especially not the stuff i actually witnessed. two people died on her porch from natural causes long ago, not that that may have anything to do with it, but yeah.

when i was about two years old, my family and i were living in the house next door to hers. i remember it quite clearly. a lot of memories from ages 2 and up are very clear, i can even remember meeting spiderman at a comic book store when i was 10 months oldo_O

anyhow, it was a cloudy day and i looked out our dining room window out at her house. i saw two kids up on her roof. they didn't look quite right ya know so i freaked out and started trying frantically to shut the curtains. my mom saw me and asked what was wrong but at that age i had no idea how to explain that so i kept it to myself for years.

some time later she got a couple dogs, and they would stare at the roof and bark at that EXACT spot on the roof for hourrrrrrs, every single day. of course nothing could be seen up there but it made me feel a little better about the whole thing:zombie:

many years ago when my mother was little, a wind-like force blew the locked front door open, turned the corner, went down the hall, and blew out the back bathroom window at the end of the hall. didn't damage the lock at all though. when she was a teenager a candlestick flew off the mantle and landed upright at her feet, as she was playing the piano.

a couple apparitions were seen in the house, including a hand, yeah just a hand that my brother and i saw on separate occasions. he saw it when he was standing in the kitchen. it opened his bedroom door from the inside, and threw the cat "flossie" out of his room:lol:

i saw it when i was sleeping over at her house once. she and i were sleeping on the sofabed in the den when all of a sudden i woke up, turned over and saw the hand. it appeared to be attached to an arm and was coming up from the side of the bed. the index finger was pointing to the north wall of the den. i mean i was wide awake and KNEW how absurd it was that i was seeing that but i was scared shitless by it. i hid my face as i shoved my grandma awake, i shouldn't have hid my face dammit but i was lil. by the time she woke up and turned on the lamp, it was gone.

i didn't make the connection that perhaps we saw the same hand til recently. a lot of time passed between the two occasions so i just never realized it.

she claimed to have gotten phone calls from a family member and a friend right after they died. the timing of the calls and the times of their deaths do add up exactly. the calls were garbled moaning kinda stuff. when my grandma herself died, i got a random voicemail. no call, just a voicemail of static and noise. and her sister got a message on her answering machine that was pretty much the same except there was a hint of a voice. the sister never knew of the calls my grandma got in the past, til we told her about it. she had already deleted the message though, so :Smug:

ya know i don't want to come across as a supernatural lunatic, but this is stuff that really happened, somehow. :)

the house is gone now, torn down and new houses sit on that property now.
yes, there is a lot of thing happening in the world, what is unexplainable.
try to use your mind, explore things, see the world, feel the world...
and some things will be easier, clear, etc...

I had a lot of strange experiences in the last years (and in my whole life, but I didn't used to notice that things), and I a lot of people have the power, but they didn't know how to use it.
I saw that the last post was from James, and I couldn't click the thread fast enough to see what he had to say. :lol:

im with you on that one pal.