Your vote counts... do you like this band?

vote the most appropriate feeling their music gives you!

  • Hell Yes this is kickin'

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • boring...snoozefest of metal

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  •'s ok

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
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With better production this would be some epic stuff! Really... it's the production that I don't like about the song. They have talent I can see. YES!
I like it...better production would be key. Love the music - not so in love with vocals but they're not terrible by any means. Not a bad singer, just not stylistically what I like.
Not a shabby band if you want an opinion. And I will second that they are talented.

Morbid Theory has a lot of neat things going on musically; these guys at least do not mind throwing in the kitchen sink to their sound. I do detect the core sound to quite a few of the riffs (as were mentioned above) in certain tracks; and can especially see that whole "pit thing" going on while a track like "Going Under" is performed. But I detect some other cool progressive elements make their appearance to keep me interested. Like the folkish acoustic passage in "Ruination".

The varied vocals took me by surprise as I did not have any idea that they were going to incorporate the variety they do. I will say that the more clean and melodic vocals can use some fine tuning; the straight up core vocal stuff is the type I do not usually listen to but it seems to be okay for what it is; the spoken stuff seems a bit odd but does not detract from the sound; and the gang vocals were a pleasant addition.

Thanks for the heads up on these guys. Whether you pick them up or not, they are a solid fine.
Hey guys,

It's Bobby (guitarist) from Morbid Theory. Thanks so much for checking out our songs, and thanks a bunch to Lance for putting out our link to you!

It really means a lot that you listened to the songs, and left feedback (I obviously didn't vote in the poll because that wouldn't be too fair.. haha). Being in a band and playing music is my passion, and I really hope to turn it into a career (same with the other guys in the band).

Thanks again, and take care everyone!
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