YouTubery for the masses

You want a word of words you looser you can fucking have one.

It's usually a good idea to be able to spell and use words in appropriate context before getting involved in a war of words. Otherwise one might come off looking like a bit of a loser. That is, unless you really intended to give him a word of words (whatever the fuck that is).

Best video ever: Roger Menow's documentary on the Black Glove Sloth.
It's usually a good idea to be able to spell and use words in appropriate context before getting involved in a war of words. Otherwise one might come off looking like a bit of a loser. That is, unless you really intended to give him a word of words (whatever the fuck that is).

Y&T are awesome, but I gotta say that when we saw them at BosPop in Holland in 2005, they were dreadful! Meanstreak was about the only highlight (and Dave's voice and guitar playing) but it was such a boring, meandering show with something like a 10 minute long free-form laid-back blues jam in the middle of the set. Most of the crowd there (even the fans like me) were going :err:

Then Maiden came along and destroyed the place! :p