YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Profiled some amps today. Among them we did a Triple Rectifier. Profiling a boosted amp gets kinda strange, but unboosted works and then just add a Tubescreamer stomp in the signal chain and your set. Anyway did this video just to show the difference between the profiled amp and the real thing.

Pretty cool!

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Sounds pretty damn close if u ask me .... kemper sounds a bit more boomy ( ? ) somehow ..... or my ears are fucked.....
le FU!
Sounds damn close to my ears...keen to know how it sounds in the room, and if it would translate as "the real deal" in a mix!
The hell?

Sounds great! However, i do agree that the kemper sounds a bit more boomy, and less high end to it.
But that can be fixed easily, the same triple rectumfrier character is right there.. RIGHT THERE IN THAT SHINY LITTLE LUNCHBOX!
Sweet fuck...

I mean... yeah the Axe is good, but they're going to have to get a fuck of a lot better.
Very cool! Sounds close enough... well... ofcourse I can get close enough with TH2 + match EQ too so I don't think I'll be buying this. :)

Ola, will you be making profiles of all the amps in your YouTube channel? :D
Hmm am I the only one not impressed? There was an obvious and very audible difference to me...I've gotten closer guitar tones using completely different amp heads. Instantly became muddier and more two dimensional.

Admittedly I would have an orgasm if I could have a 5150, jcm800, dimed plexi, and roland jc120/fender clean channel all at my feet. But I kind of hear all of the subtleties that make real amp heads sound great drop off when you turn on that Kemper
Was waiting for this test - was very impressed here, the first few rounds of high gain sounds that I heard people reproducing with this amp sounded rough but this captures the main character and the profiler has a distinct analogue attack quality - definitely the closest I have ever heard out of anything digital and the reproduction was very close other than the aforementioned slight boominess in the kemper character.
Hypothetically, could Ola now save those settings and send them out to anyone who has a kemper as well? I'd say yes, but i have not read up on the facts yet.
Did a quick test. This is NOT accurate. I used two open E chords that were played in this video at around 2:20 forward on both the real amp and Kemper. Now... as some of us noticed the Kemper had a tad more low end. Here are two curves that I made from this. The one on the right is something we can actually use. So... basically that's about 2,7dB more low end on the Kemper and another about -2dB's out from the top end. Again this might not be accurate in any way... it's just what I think is somewhat accurate. And like Ola said, once you start tweaking the knobs it doesn't really matter if the profile is 100% accurate.

Anyway.....playing a real Recto with a marshall cab in your way better than playing with that microwave oven :D
Nice profiling anyway....there are some noticeable differencs and the real deal is much more "juicy" and defined.
I want one just for the noise it makes while profiling. It sounds like being kidnapped by a UFO powered by a diesel engine.
^ haha!

That's ridiculously good. This thing will take off like wild fire.

Is it capable of capturing the cab and mic as well, so you can use it 'direct in'? Or is that what's actually happening?