YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

While you can clearly hear a differene between the two ( most noticeably in the low end ), it's not a 'bad' difference IMO. I honestly even prefer the Kemper a bit. Amazing how you can match any amp out there and just share your results with everyone later.
WEll the crazy part is that somehow the Kemper splits up the profile so you can use the cab on another amp etc. :O

I don't get it. Do you mean that the kemper profiles your amp + cab and then, when the profiling is done, you can select only amp, only cab or amp+cab?
I don't get it. Do you mean that the kemper profiles your amp + cab and then, when the profiling is done, you can select only amp, only cab or amp+cab?

After profiling you can change and exchange the cab seperatly from the profiled amp.
This does look like a fab piece of kit for the gigging muso. I have heard from players of the Axe II that it is collapsed and 2D in comparison after extensive playing, but I'd reserve any judgement until using it myself. This is also aimed at a slightly different market of course too.

Ever since firmware 5 on the new axe, I have been happy as a pig in well you know what so probably wont be giving this one a go unless I manage to get to play one through a friend. Would love to AB them!!!
WEll the crazy part is that somehow the Kemper splits up the profile so you can use the cab on another amp etc. :O

Does that mean that on this clip the Kemper tone was being run directly into the DAW, rather than through the cab and then mic'ed?

I'm just a little confused as to whether it was only modeling the Rectifier, or whether it was modelling the Rectifier, the cab & the mic too.

This is basically just me getting back to the old 'we need a better speaker modeling method!' tirade. If I can for instance run my JVM, 6505 or Hector into the Kemper, and only use it as a really accurate cab/mic sim, I'd be sold.
Ever since firmware 5 on the new axe, I have been happy as a pig in well you know what so probably wont be giving this one a go unless I manage to get to play one through a friend. Would love to AB them!!!

From Cliff in the 5.00 update: "Reworked nearly all amp models based on new “amp matching” algorithms". I think that Kemper is REALLY doing something right when even Mr "I know everything that's needed to know about digital modeling" Chase is changing the AxeFX algorithms. ;)

When the Kemper comes in a rack format, bye bye AxeFX. :)
Does each Kempler have to manually go through the profiling process? or can you share a sampled amp with a different Kempler?

How many different profiles can you store at a time?

You can share profiles easily. Each profile is about 4KB! (Not MB or GB) :)

You can already download profiles at

You can store 1000 profiles per Kemper Amp. And nearly endless on your computers HDs ;)
From Cliff in the 5.00 update: "Reworked nearly all amp models based on new “amp matching” algorithms". I think that Kemper is REALLY doing something right when even Mr "I know everything that's needed to know about digital modeling" Chase is changing the AxeFX algorithms. ;)

When the Kemper comes in a rack format, bye bye AxeFX. :)

haha, I would like to see what he gets up to in his lab- good point there. I did see a few people went from axe fx to kemper, ditched it and now are back with axe fx again- you know what the fractal forum is like for fan bois though. Time will tell the winner i guess, if there is a winner lol. I will have to read up on the finer details of this at some point to see how they compare, maybe when I get back from work later. All I know at this point is that there is a device that fires some alien test waves using some damn good algorithms and manages to produce deadly accurate tones of real amps. 19" rack sounds good.
Been following the kemper since day one; this would be like a dream come true for me. The only reason i havent preordered one is because i have been hoping for a rack version..

^ about the axe fx vs kemper: i think it takes time to know how to record or mic properly before profiling; the axefx is different you dont need to know that. So the kemper will not be for everyone in the beggining. However later on when theres a good number of users and profiles are being shared i think that some people will jump in and then learn how to profile properly at their own pace.

Personally i just want my rack version :)
this is the future..

Sneap Profiles...

EVH's plexi....

Dimebag's Randall Chain

Robb Flynn's 5150

Scott ian's JCM 800

Hetfields Mark iic+

people would shell out the bucks for custom profiles based on the exact classic gear....
WEll the crazy part is that somehow the Kemper splits up the profile so you can use the cab on another amp etc. :O

like always i could be totally wrong, but for me this sounds as if the Kemper profiles the frequencies (amp character) AND (separated from it) the room (impulse).
i mean, they probably didn't reinvent the wheel (?)........
anyways, sounds tempting.
the end comparison between the two is the profiled amp(including amp,cab,microphone profiled) direct to Logic 9 vs. the microphone signal of the Reference amp. Hope that makes sense.

Oh wow! Now the term "reamping" gets a whole new twist to it.

So Bedroom-Warriors could profile their (or somebody elses) setup at the practice room, take the kemper home and reamp clean DI signals with it.
Or the skip the whole thing and import other peoples great profiles.

I'll follow this thread carefully... :popcorn: