YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

$1850 vs $2200

Yeah... retarded prices.

$1600 here in Canada Vs $2200 with coupon from Fractal + Shipping + Taxes & Duties

i've been saving for the axe but the kemper is just too damn tempting to pass up, so kemper it is. plus i can go in store and try one and take it right home and not get my ass raped through my wallet.
hey guys,
not sure if this is going to mean anything to anyone BUT,

my band recently played with August Burns Red here in Brisbane, Australia. The first thing i noticed as i was loading my gear onto stage was that Brent Rambler, the rhythm guitarist from ABR was using a Kemper live !
JB, the other guitarist was using an axe fx II and both of their tones sounded fucking unbelievably good.

seeing as we were the opening band, i didn't get much time to hang around and chat to any of the ABR dudes about their rigs so i don't really know anything more than he was using one live and it sounded awesome :)
i do recall a few pictures where you could see the Kemper in action so i'll see if i can find them.

EDIT: just had a quick look and none of the pictures give anything away. its just sitting ontop of a 5150 so anything could have been happening !
You really can't argue that the Kemper isn't vastly cheaper than the Axe-FX. It just is.

But it's whether the Kemper gives you enough of what you need for it to be worth your while.
In the USA, it's a $350 difference, which certainly isn't a "retarded" gap, and FAS isn't "raping anyone" any more than another similar company. I'm not surprised at the overseas price difference since the Kemper is German, and the Axe FX American. I'm not arguing for the quality of either product, but some of the comments and reasoning here are stunningly childish.
and i'll add again that it's $1600 canadian here, so that's a 600 dollar gap for us, plus we aren't in the US, so we get raped by border shit like taxes and duties. So while it's not a huge tempting thing for the US, it is for us Canadians and for Europeans who find getting the AXE FX not a financially viable option, epecially when compared to the Kemper.
In the USA, it's a $350 difference, which certainly isn't a "retarded" gap, and FAS isn't "raping anyone" any more than another similar company. I'm not surprised at the overseas price difference since the Kemper is German, and the Axe FX American. I'm not arguing for the quality of either product, but some of the comments and reasoning here are stunningly childish.

It's not a retarded gap. But certain pockets would still call a $350 difference "vastly" cheaper.
Here's some veeery fast and brutal tech death Kemper work.
We profiled a Tube Screamer / Boss HM2 / Marshall JVM / Marshall 1960ax chain.
The Kemper never sounds 100% the same if you ask me. But it does a great job! And sometimes it works.
I'm mixing this stuff next week. Let's see how it ends up!

Here's some veeery fast and brutal tech death Kemper work.
We profiled a Tube Screamer / Boss HM2 / Marshall JVM / Marshall 1960ax chain.
The Kemper never sounds 100% the same if you ask me. But it does a great job! And sometimes it works.
I'm mixing this stuff next week. Let's see how it ends up!


i guess they like Origin :)
It's not a retarded gap. But certain pockets would still call a $350 difference "vastly" cheaper.

I just want to comment further about the price difference...

The axe II is 2599
The kemper is 1850

The difference is $749, which is 40% of a kemper. I would call that quite a difference.

Some of you are including the coupon in the price of the Axefx, which is not exactly correct in economic terms. To compare the prices of these, you need to compare price of equivalent versions, ie. a kemper this week vs. an axefx this week. If we do that, that difference is 749. Otherwise, you compare acquiring a kemper this week vs. acquiring an axefx in 6 months or something....and obviously an axefx is worth more now than in 6 months to you.

I'm REALLY interested in trying out a Kemper, though not sure if funds are going to allow for a while.

The thing that seemed really odd to me is that they've done the profiling just from going
kemper>mic'd amp>kemper

to my mind if they split things up a bit I would expect they could get a much more accurate result. eg:

kemper>preamp>kemper>poweramp>kemper>mic'd cab

using the fx loop and a DI that can handle speaker level signals after the power amp. This way you could get a separate capture of the preamp, power amp and cab/mic. Allowing you to swap the 3 of them between profiles.

I wonder if the current setup was designed more for ease of use rather than absolute accuracy of profiling?

All that being said I still want to try one of these things. Potentially it looks awesome, though the results seem to vary depending on the user.
Here's some veeery fast and brutal tech death Kemper work.
We profiled a Tube Screamer / Boss HM2 / Marshall JVM / Marshall 1960ax chain.
The Kemper never sounds 100% the same if you ask me. But it does a great job! And sometimes it works.
I'm mixing this stuff next week. Let's see how it ends up!


A bit O/T but please keep us updated on this one! Plutonium Heaven was a bit of a sleeper hit for me (I'm a sucker for slamz).
Sorry for such a noob question, but what signal flow are you using for reamping? Can you feed this from say an analog out from an interface or do you still need a reamp box like an x-amp? What I mean is interface analog out --> Kemper in --> Kemper out --> interface line-in.
Guys! Is that a good idea to use my ISA 828 for multi micing a cab then sum these tracks in my DAW and send that buss into my Kemper to profile it?
(coloring occurs for sure with the ISA)
I would use my Apogee R800's DA out to send the signal from my DAW into my Kemper. Do i need a reamp box or anything between the Apogee and Kemper? Is it a good path or i'm wrong? Thanks so much!
I have a few questions, please redirect me if it has already been said :)

I went on the kemper website didn't much like reading through (donno why must be the horrible shit green colour) but couldn't find some answers.
So here goes :
Is it good on the road, How does it respond live ?
Is it quick to tweak, like choosing a different profile real quick on stage ?
And what about in the studio, do you need a cab aswell ? will it sound the same in DI ?
Besides a cab, do you need anything else ? (a part from your guitar & your fingers obviously :D)
Basically, you can get whatever piece of amp you want in that thing, that's sounds cool, that's like having every amp in the world in that box.

I would try one if i could but i don't think there's even one kemper profiling amp in france...

@Ola, if ever you pass by, you're doing a huge amount of work for everyone to enjoy and take for granted on youtube,
i thank you & would offer you a beer (if i could :()
but i'm wondering in all your tests (that you do for fun i know) it's nearly, if not always, the same tone. Is it because you wish to show that every amp your testing can achieve that same brutal sound everyone is craving for ? btw have you ever played with the Kemper live ?

I've been watching your vids and supporting feared for some time and it's really cool to see everything you've achieved until now
If ever you have a concert in paris, i'd be so fucking thrilled to see you play those heavy riffs of yours !!

thanks in advance to anyone who can answer my questions and good night ! :kickass:
Do i need a reamp box or anything between the Apogee and Kemper?
Not for the actual profiling. The signal path for you would be
Kemper direct out -> guitar amp in -> cab -> mic/s -> isa -> summing/DAW -> Apogee -> Kemper return input

while you plug your guitar into the guitar input of the Kemper.

Is it quick to tweak, like choosing a different profile real quick on stage ?
You can do that with a midi board, but I can't say anything about the actual speed of the switching.
Really interested to hear some more Kemper comparisons. Thinking about picking up a Marshall JVM (^that thrash tone of FCM's is sick btw!) but I could be swung over to the Kemper camp if I can hear some REALLY accurate AB comparisons. There does seem to be varying results, might be something to do with what folks are doing during the refining process, how long they're refining for etc?