YT: Miking a cab video...

are you pitch shifting your voice?

this forum is an untapped well of pure manliness ... I'd say a good 80% of us are macho baritones

we should have a voice off

video is awesome by the way!
Met the guy in sweden back in 2006, he's a very tall guy (I'm not short anyway->1.85 cm) and has a deep voice for sure lol
Yeah he's a macho man... randy savage

hmm 1.85cm eh? haha sounds a bit small to me.:)
Hey Ola- I know it's all about technique and whatnot, but how the heck are you getting that grindy clank (which I love) out of everything you do. Do you re-string every time you do a video or is it the way that you have your guitars set up? I've used a few guitars that have that going on but I can't seem to make any of mine get that.