YT: Miking a cab video...

Hey Ola- I know it's all about technique and whatnot, but how the heck are you getting that grindy clank (which I love) out of everything you do. Do you re-string every time you do a video or is it the way that you have your guitars set up? I've used a few guitars that have that going on but I can't seem to make any of mine get that.

Actually I don't restring my guitars that often. Don't know exactly what grind you're referring to bit but I pick pretty hard on the strings. Might be that?!
how do you avoid these resonance that you usually get with micing guitar cabs ? (like the 126hz for example) ????

it sounds so good as it is in you're video! wish mine sounded anywhere near that!
all i get is low end and scratchiness (and bass and treble are not even on an extreme setting!)
how do you avoid these resonance that you usually get with micing guitar cabs ? (like the 126hz for example) ????

it sounds so good as it is in you're video! wish mine sounded anywhere near that!
all i get is low end and scratchiness (and bass and treble are not even on an extreme setting!)

Multiband to tame lows
Low pass to tame highs
Scoop some mids to fit the mix.
Yeah, but how does ola gets his guitars to sound just perfect in the room without any post procesing ?