Zakk Wylde is the man


Mar 15, 2005
Cleveland, OH

A brush with rock royalty
Zakk Wylde, Ozzy Osbourne's guitarist, makes the day for kid learning to play
Cam Fuller, The StarPhoenix
Published: Saturday, October 27, 2007

You can't judge a guitar by its case and you can't judge a guitar hero's heart by his leather and chains.

Ozzy Osbourne guitarist Zakk Wylde earned a fan for life on his visit to a Saskatoon music store this week when he gave 12-year-old Tanner Brayshaw his choice of any guitar in the place.

"It was pretty sweet. I was just really shocked," Brayshaw said Friday.

Wylde was taking a break from his autograph session at Long & McQuade on Tuesday when he noticed students taking lessons. Store manager Pete Woronowski asked him if he'd like to share some pointers with a student.

"He said, 'No way, can we do that?' " Woronowski said Friday.

When Brayshaw looked up, "his eyes just about fell out of his head and his teacher almost passed out."

After playing a few notes on the boy's guitar, Wylde decided he needed a new one.

"You come with Uncle Zakk and you go pick any guitar you want on the wall and your Uncle Zakk will buy it for you," Woronowski recounted.

"This guy has a heart the size of the city. It's incredible."

Brayshaw picked out a red Gibson SG. At $600 it was far from the most expensive axe in the woodshed, but it was the one he wanted.

"It's red, my favourite colour. I really didn't want to pick the most expensive guitar because I thought that would be pretty rude," said Brayshaw.

"It feels great. It's nice and smooth and has good action."

"It was pretty mind-blowing," said drum manager Arnold Nagy. "You don't expect this huge guy with chains and a beard to be as nice as he was to a kid."

Naturally, Wylde autographed the guitar. He also provided four tickets and VIP passes to the Ozzy Osbourne concert the next night. Brayshaw and his family met Ozzy and the band, checked out Wylde's guitars and watched the show from the side of the stage.

"It was just unbelievable. You rarely hear of something like that happening," said Tanner's mom, Lesli.

Wylde spoke about the importance of family.

He's married to his high school sweetheart and they have three kids. The youngest is named Hendrix.

"We were just really impressed with Zakk and what a family guy he was," Lesli said.

On his website, Wylde talks about never forgetting the excitement of rock 'n' roll.

"You've still gotta listen to music with a 14-year-old's ears. Remembering when you were like, 'dude, we're going to see Zeppelin this weekend!' That's what it's all about, man.

"If what I do inspires some kid to pick up a guitar and jam, that's the s---, without a doubt."

Brayshaw, who was on only his fourth lesson, says he'll keep it up.

"He's like my idol now. I just want to be like Zakk. He treated me like gold and he treated my family like gold."

That's pretty swwet
A GIBSON SG for $600? More like an Epiphone.
So the guy got the choice of a guitar shop and chose an entry level instrument with the worlds worst volume and tone pot wiring? And Zakk was trying to help the guy so got him this? Pfft.

I seriously doubt Zakk could get his "trademark" overdone pinched harmonics on a guitar like that. I think there must be more to this story than is being reported here.
Yeah, the extra part of the story is the kid wasn't an asshole that decided to buy the most expensive guitar in the store on someone elses dime..
A GIBSON SG for $600? More like an Epiphone.
So the guy got the choice of a guitar shop and chose an entry level instrument with the worlds worst volume and tone pot wiring? And Zakk was trying to help the guy so got him this? Pfft.

I seriously doubt Zakk could get his "trademark" overdone pinched harmonics on a guitar like that. I think there must be more to this story than is being reported here.

why so negative?
A GIBSON SG for $600? More like an Epiphone.
So the guy got the choice of a guitar shop and chose an entry level instrument with the worlds worst volume and tone pot wiring? And Zakk was trying to help the guy so got him this? Pfft.

I seriously doubt Zakk could get his "trademark" overdone pinched harmonics on a guitar like that. I think there must be more to this story than is being reported here.

your missing the whole point of the story, it doesn't matter what guitar he got, its the fact that zakk offered to buy him any one there.
Good on the kid for going for a sub-grand axe. The kid knows that he's not Satch, or Wylde and maybe it's exactly what he wanted.

Why the hell would you want a $5000.00 Les Paul Wylde signature replica if you're a kid and you're going to hopefully play the shit out of it?

Zakk is the man, but that kid showed not only respect but some damned sound common sense. Hell, just for that act alone, someone should have fronted the kid the frigging stack of his choice.
Yeah, the extra part of the story is the kid wasn't an asshole that decided to buy the most expensive guitar in the store on someone elses dime..

Sometimes I come in here just to make a shitty day a little better. Never fails I find a reply like this and laugh my nuts twisted. :headbang: Thanks to all of you.
Good on the kid for going for a sub-grand axe. The kid knows that he's not Satch, or Wylde and maybe it's exactly what he wanted.

Why the hell would you want a $5000.00 Les Paul Wylde signature replica if you're a kid and you're going to hopefully play the shit out of it?

Zakk is the man, but that kid showed not only respect but some damned sound common sense. Hell, just for that act alone, someone should have fronted the kid the frigging stack of his choice.
