

Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
I was watching Zappa Plays Zappa that I recorded off ABC2 and thought it was pretty sweet. I've never listened to any Zappa before. Recommendations?

Some bits sounded a fair bit like Dream Theater. Was he one of their influences?
Zappa went through quite a few musical changes during his career, so it really depends on what your looking for. If you're more interested in his progressive side, you might prefer his 80's albums, but my personal recommendation is "We're Only In It For The Money" (1968), which is in a more psychedelic vein, and is quite possibly one of my favorite rock albums ever.

Hope you'll find what your looking for and enjoy it, because Frank Zappa rocks as hell!
My favourite Zappa albums are Apostrophe('), Overnight Sensation, Joe's Garage and Baby Snakes, which is a live album and there's a DVD available which is AWESOME...he has such a great band on that DVD including Adrian Belew and Terry Bozzio!

But like apprentice said, there's so many sides to Zappa, it all depends what you're in the mood for. Proggy psychadelic rock? Freaked out Jazz? Psycho Orchestral?

A lot of his music is humorous and/or satirical and he had a lot to say about the music industry, censorship, politics and all sorts. You can delve pretty deep into the world of FZ if you want to.
If you finally find out that you do dig his music, I would highly recommend you to acquire the actual "physical" CDs, as you will have a blast reading through the liner notes! :)
Thanks folks, I'll have to check out a bit of a range of his stuff. I think I'd like different styles, depending on my mood at the time. And yeah I'll buy actual CDs, because I'm a bit of a collector apart from anything else. How much do his albums usually sell for?
The popular ones are ussually cheap, some of his stuff is near impossible to find in stores though. You have to order a lot of it in.

I prefer the first half of the 80's for his stuff.

You are what you is and The man from utopia are awesome. The latter has the worst album art ever.