ze crack thread

Crack Hitler

Jul 26, 2002
Yeh, this thread is about me :p

In words of many wise men who've roamed these forums: I'm going to leave you. :tickled:

As I've probably mentioned along the way, I'm taking a four month vacation from my current life and go traveling atleast to some extent. My plane for Bangkok leaves on the night of sixth of april, but I'll leave my work already next weeks friday, so after that I won't be reachable thru the net.

I will try to keep in touch with everybody along the way (including you guys :D ) and that is why I started this topic: for me to update my wanderings and say hello and let you know I'm alive and stuff.

I still ain't sure about graspop, but I'd be very tempted to go there, aah, we'll see.

So, you have seven days to enjoy my company, and after that it's just adios and not goodbye.

in the mean time, go and listen three first songs in www.mikseri.net/nnn and let me know what you think, eh? ;)

have lots of fun and see you at the graspop fest
pidä kivaa äijä!
Ok people, this is it. In an hour and half or so I'm leaving work for the last time (atleast for 4 months, that is). Then it's some beer and relaxation and stuff before I hope on a plane on tuesday night.

I will get back to you whenever possible :Spin:

take care kids and don't fight too much when I'm gone :D

I wish you the best for your travellings mate!!! Have lots of fun a make lots of pics, and be sure to post here once in a while when it's possible to give us a short report on what you were on about in Bangkok!!!

Enjoy yer trip!!!
Aye! If anyone still gives a flying feck, I'm alive and well. I've been doing my best to figure out this chaos called Bangkok, and I'm finally getting some of it. It's noisy and crowded, but my accomodation is at quieter street, which is nice.
so hot.

tomorrow i'll take a night bus down south to krabi and try to find me some beach action and perhaps one island.

oh well, gotta go. this net connection aint the fastest and I gotta ge me some food (which by the way is excellent :D ) later I'll get a private screening of ong-bak, a thai action movie, at my previous guesthouse. nice chaps there. and my wallet likes the beer there :Spin:

ta ta!
Ah, nice one Crack, good to see you alive ;) seriously, nice you have a good time over there. And what could be better than a good tasting beer, so keep us posted!

P.S.: The beach? Maybe you'll find that one we'd seen on the website, remember?
I had some spare time and bahts, so I'm back again since every one else went to bed, haha. Yeah, beer is good, even tho the ones i've tasted doesn't differ much from the ones we have back home.

Actually thorsten, on sunday morning I will be quite near that phi phi island you're talkin about, but I heard is dead expensive there now with people celebrating new years and stuff. I'd love to check it out, but there's so many places just as nice I suppose :)

I didn't see that movie ong-bak after all, damn it, and I've spent a great portion of my daily budget so I can't down much beer anymore either. Probly just should hit the sack since tomorrow I've an early wake.
ah, nice one mate! Sorry, i couldn't catch you on ICQ! Great you have a good time. Hey, this Phi Phi Island looked really ace, but if it's too expensive, well, save some money for booze, hehe. There always a cent left for a beer, ain't it?

ah this Phi phi Island....wow....
aah fockin hell did I go to bed early yesterday? no i didnt. I didn't have money anymore either, but the locals insisted on buying me booze till 5am. I had to wake up at 11 to this heat and it's killing me now. Still three hours left to kill before my bus down south.

Yeh Thorst, it does look beautiful indeed, but I'm gonna be just in the neighbourhood so i reckon there'll be other nice places to see :) yeah I just decided to give it a shot with icq, if anyone would've been online, but I had just like half hours before the place closed down, so no biggie dude :D

aaargh, shouldn't have eaten that dead spicy stuff they bought from the street last night. Now i feel like shitting fire. Not a nice thing either, haha.

it's been quite nice in here in it's own chaotic way, but now I'm ready to go away from a big city and just lay back and stuff.

laters, people!
Crack Hitler said:
aah fockin hell did I go to bed early yesterday? no i didnt. I didn't have money anymore either

god, don't spend it all in one place! You've got months to go!

Crack Hitler said:
aaargh, shouldn't have eaten that dead spicy stuff they bought from the street last night. Now i feel like shitting fire. Not a nice thing either, haha.

hahaha :ill:

Crack Hitler said:
laters, people!
