Zeitgeist "The Movie"

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
Don't know if anyone has seen this
i'm a big supporter of 9/11 Truth and this has a little to do with that plus a thing on religion, that breaks it down better than i have ever heard or had it explained..

they have the movies online to watch for free......i would start with the one on the right labled "the movie"

so when you guys take a break throw this on and watch it and tell me your thoughts
Zeitgeist Addendum is better.
As for the Bush administration being competent enough to pull this off, I would say yes. Look at all the shit they have pulled off since. According to the movie/doc Bush is just a puppet in all this.

Not saying I agree 100% 9/11 was a conspiracy, I'm on the fence. Something smells...
I like the first two parts of Zeitgeist (the one about Christianity and the one about banks and the Federal Reserve)...the 9/11 part is fucking stupid.

I like most of Zeitgeist Addendum except for all of that Venus Project bullshit...its nice to know he was trying to present solutions but that shit will NEVER happen.
I love the message though, it's so freakin' cyber-punk!! HAhahahahahaa, the ending makes me feel like JC Denton (sans bitchin' nano-augs, of course)
Conspiracy or not...the evidence isn't there to back up what the investigators are trying to say happened. It just isn't. Where is the "plane" that hit the Pentagon? They didn't find a plane, and the parts they did find didn't go to the plane they said they belonged to. The fuel burning everything up excuse is BS...it can't get that hot, which has been proven multiple times. Also the trajectory of the plane to hit the Pentagon would have it pass right over the highway nearby at such a low altitude that the turbulence would have literally blown cars off of the highway...no cars flew off the highway, not even just a simple blow over where they are on their side. I like how the video surveillance that would show everything was confiscated by FBI/CIA/whatever within a short span of mere minutes after the crashes happened. And then later refuse to release the footage to the public. Why would they do that?

I'm not saying the government did it, that is a pretty far fetched idea, true or not. What concerns me are the facts of the situation, not government conspiracy propaganda.

And besides the stupid 9/11 bullshit that everyone is probably sick of....a huge majority of the religion content in Zeitgeist is verifiable FACT. Egypt's Horus, Phrygia's Attis, India's Krishna, Greece's Dionysis, Persia's Mithra and Jesus all have identical attributes to their existence, including a huge list of other saviors/messiahs/children of god/sun gods/whatever. The similarities are astonishing. The person who wrote the content for that portion of the film did not alter any of the information, all of it can be verified through numerous sources. All he did was present the facts, little to no personal opinion in the way. The question of the existence of god or jesus is pointless after learning of these things, IMO...it seems that we should not try and prove their existence, but rather find the *original* Jesus/God figures. With so many Jesus/God figures throughout a huge span of time, all of which possessing ridiculous similarities it is obvious that all civilizations simply copied saviors from past times. But what was the first one? That's what I am interested in finding out. The OG "sun god", of sorts. In my opinion, everything after the first mean nothing because they are merely carbon copies with different names.

To believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, you'd have to believe two fundamentals:

1) The Bush Administration was competent enough to pull this off.

Do you seriously believe that bunch of Arabs who can`t even ride a camel were competent to fly those plains, not to mention organize the whole thing?

Believe what you will, but the official version smells like no other bullshit ever did. :err:
Do you seriously believe that bunch of Arabs who can`t even ride a camel were competent to fly those plains, not to mention organize the whole thing?

Believe what you will, but the official version smells like no other bullshit ever did. :err:

yes I do believe they were competant enough. Call me cooky, call me wacky, but I certainly believe they are capable of learning how to fly planes.
yes I do believe they were competant enough. Call me cooky, call me wacky, but I certainly believe they are capable of learning how to fly planes.


Why would the fact that they were arabs or not make them any less competant at flying planes?
Do you seriously believe that bunch of Arabs who can`t even ride a camel were competent to fly those plains, not to mention organize the whole thing?

Yes, that's because I'm not a stupid racist. It's very easy to fly a plane. Landing or taking off/prepping for flight is far more complex. The hijackers did neither.

Oh, and for the record, "plains" don't fly. They are cultivated for agriculture. "Planes" do however, fly.
To believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, you'd have to believe two fundamentals:

1) The Bush Administration was competent enough to pull this off.

2) They could keep it a secret.

Occam's Razor would suggest niether.


No way the government pulled that off.

ummm +2,000,000

I just dont get into the political propaganda thing.

I've tried to not get involved in these threads, however.... a lot of what is presented in Zeitgeist is truth-bending, at best.... at worst, just a pack of lies with a new age agenda behind them.


Everyone who's seen the movie should go to this site, lots of good points. The movie can't be taken as academic merely based on the point that they don't properly cite sources of quotes and they sometimes misquote things completely.

All I know is my uncle watched a plane fly into the Pentagon that day from across the street - I can't buy into all this conspiracy theory BS.

This makes me very happy to see so many rational people on the forum. I just don't get the conspiracy theorists, though I understand the human nature behind it that makes them want to believe conspiracy.

also on a side note, non-fact check related: the first movie is so fucking slow moving; i couldn't sit through it without having to skip ahead. Fucking 10 minutes to get the the first real point they were trying to say?

that's all i'm gonna say, because this type of thread gives me high blood pressure.
Yes, that's because I'm not a stupid racist.
Good, that make two of us.
I wasn't making a racist remark, just pointing out that people accused of organizing and executing the whole thing looked completely clueless, and I absolutely can`t believe that they were capable of doing it, especially with all the security. I mean, c`mon, it`s the United States, nobody can just fly around unnoticed.

Besides, it did give the US a "reason" to do a lot of undemocratic things, both in US and around the world.

Oh, and I believe that Bin Laden is an actual person as much as I believe in Santa.

And, yeah, I`m not an native English speaker, so any further grammar lessons are appreciated.
Good, that make two of us.
I wasn't making a racist remark, just pointing out that people accused of organizing and executing the whole thing looked completely clueless, and I absolutely can`t believe that they were capable of doing it, especially with all the security. I mean, c`mon, it`s the United States, nobody can just fly around unnoticed.

Besides, it did give the US a "reason" to do a lot of undemocratic things, both in US and around the world.

Oh, and I believe that Bin Laden is an actual person as much as I believe in Santa.

And, yeah, I`m not an native English speaker, so any further grammar lessons are appreciated.

Hmmmmmm so you dont believe that Bin Laden exists? Strange. If thats the case then I dont even think a rebuttle is needed.:Smokin:
Because we completely didn't train Bin Laden ourselves. And apparently video of a human being by the same name, who also is well known for terrorist activity and connections, means absolutely nothing to you in terms of proof that he is real.

Santa is for children, this is real - grow up. That analogy was awful.

And a side note, your English looks fine to me...you just spelled plane wrong, it's ok to make a typo, Oz is just anal :lol:
