
Zeitgeist is... entertaining, if you can suspend your bullshitometer for hours at a time.

The 9/11 portion is completely unredeemable nonsense, and the religion part in my opinion does damage to a number of very valid arguments against religion by being so *completely* wrong in many places.

Aberration, I would like to amend your joke slightly... the difference between religion and mythology is more often an army.

EDIT: As for *needing* religion... utter nonsense. I wouldn't do anything to take away anyone's right to believe in whatever they want, but *needing* religion is utter nonsense.

To not hurt other people dream or delusion......

why not? religion and faith shouldn't be immune to criticism.

uhahauh some people need religion, other people don't.... you can't charge the whole world to be intelectualy or spiritually strong or independant as you are...

maybe just not me alone but there's many of us :D
I have a motto: Don't listen only the "official" information that tv and newspaper provide.
I learn it living here in Italy, where news, information, tv programs, etc are totally controlled by politicians and journalist/slaves.
So, don't think that every conspiration theory is totally false
Remember that if someone controls the media, he controls the population. Here we have our fuckin' premier that is the owner of 3 tv channels....but this is another story
Well... when you need a thing, you need that thing FOR something else. You can challenge the "necessity" itself, but that "something else" is personal and then unquestionable.
I hope to be clear with this analogy: you and a guy have each one a metal spike and need to put it into piece of wood. You take a hammer but the guy can' founding his hammer decide take a plier and start to hit the spike. You're not better than this guy just because you used the *right* tool...
The tool doesn't matter..... you see? atheism and christianity or truth or delusion are both some kind of "Deus Ex Machina"; it comes to explain things, not beause it's real, but to give a field to our existance.

Just to say it again... i'm not religious....and i like these kind of conversations... but do not hate me at the end...hahaha
I have a motto: Don't listen only the "official" information that tv and newspaper provide.
I learn it living here in Italy, where news, information, tv programs, etc are totally controlled by politicians and journalist/slaves.
So, don't think that every conspiration theory is totally false
Remember that if someone controls the media, he controls the population. Here we have our fuckin' premier that is the owner of 3 tv channels....but this is another story

I completely agree, but going all the way to the other end of the spectrum - like Zeitgeist believers *must* (!) - is equally false... and possibly even more dangerous.

Dom Ostarig...

It is possible to need things for their own sake, unless you define that something else to be 'the state of having ___'... what you said is either a tautology (and therefore useless) or wrong (and therefore useless), so unless you had something *very* different in mind...

Atheism isn't an explanation, it's the *complete and utter absence of an explanation*. It is the view that no belief is better than a wrong belief, *at most*.

The analogy is bonkers, since the other guy could have plied your eyes out and taken your hammer - getting the right tools is just as important as using them, and one without the right tools is no better than one without knowledge of how to use them.

The rest sounds like babbling pseudo-nihilistic nonsense.

man, been doing tons and tons of reading. while i think zeitgeist has a lot of good points, and some truths, some of the films claims are completely blown out of proportion, and others are straight up make believe. the part where he claims all of the Sun Deities (inlcuding Jebus) were born on the same day. that guy obviously did NO reasearch at all because there isn't shit to support those claims. mostly cuz no one seems to know where/when the deities were born/made/whatever. or i have found many sources with different dates. Horus for example has 5 (so far) supposed Birfdates and none even close to christmas, lol. fuck, not even Jesus was born on christmas, lol. Im gunna watch the second film after i get home from work and see what else i can find too. its kind of fun peeking around this stuff! lol yet all these "ansewers" in the film seem to just lead to more fucking questions, lol.
For example, 9/11 case, I think that some of the conspircy theories are right and I think the government told some of the biggest lies of the history. Anyway it's very hard to say "this is the truth, that's the lie", but I think it's a positive thing that someone brings out the doubt
Just to say it again... i'm not religious....and i like these kind of conversations... but do not hate me at the end...hahaha

I also happen to like these conversations. They often pop up when we're drunk and got nothing else to speak of.

One time, we tried calling a spirit with an Ouija board we made in 5 minutes... while being drunk. That didn't go so well, nothing happened. If there indeed are spirits and stuff, they must've thought "Maaan, fuck these guys, fucking around with us at this late hour... drunken bastards".

I was really curious about Ouija crap, because so many people say it works, including some of my friends and I see no reason why they would lie since they are not religious people or anything. I never believed in that Ouija game and I still don't... will have to see if I find out someday, preferably in a sober state :)

And what was my point with this post? Nothing... just dragging this Off Topic thread even more into the seas of Off Topic! Oh and btw, 1000 posts... ka-ching!
Gojira!!! congrat for the 1000 ....but these threads are always the same.... all is ended at the start point...auhahuahu but couldn't be different. The subject is so hard that the start point could be a happy ending.
The biggest problem with a lot of these 9/11 conspiracies is that they rely on the fundamentally BATFUCKINGSHITINSANE assumption that our government can actually do anything right. They fucked a lot of things up and lied about them, but that's about the best we can say.

Hehe i don't like Michael Moore too..haha but in defence of that kind of documentaries (not Michael Moore ones, Zeitgeist), i can say that i like that "disturbing feeling" that it spread around, for the ordinary people. Sounds like: "Be aware, don't accept everything you see" in many ways, doubting or believing the content.
Well as far as critical thinking goes, I think it's only the younger generation that really questions everything these days. I have no faith in those old farts that were born in the 70s and back, well most of them anyway. Those who are born in the 80s and onward tend to be very critical so I think societies will change quite a bit in like 20 years or so.
Dom... if you want people to question everything, teach them math and science.

Gojira_... if you think our generation questions everything, you probably haven't worked for a high school. Some in our generation question everything, and the other 99% plow through life without knowing anything - there's a very good chance that previous generations' smart people died off already.
