
Oh yeah... DSS3 and Abyofdreams .... let me clarify:

From Wikipedia: "Faith is a belief in the truth of or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing, that is characteristically held without proof"

Our proofs, the evidences we have, our scientific creation or the sense of truth is based in our perception; and our perception is subjective. For example, our vision, we think we have a real 180° (aprox) vision field. But we have only a center point of clarity, the remaining is created by the brain.

Another example (nut i'm not sure that was "real") is the sound that sounds too clear just adding reverb to an specifc track.... the track before was not hidden by physical laws, but by a kind of brain confusion: the brain cannot recognize two sound coming aparently from the same direction and distance.

If this fundamental things cannot be trusted how you can trust in scientific methods if them are based in the common human perception???

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perception <<< that's good

Tht's remind me another documentary.... that's worst than Zeigeist i think... but deals with what's real or could be real, with a medium argument:

edited to fix some english troubles...sorry guys...my english sucks i know
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What about my conspiracy theory that the creator of the "How do X" phenomenon was, in fact, an established board member and not some n00b with a faulty grasp of the English language???

Conspiracy theories = LAWLS.
Chryst Krispies

I understand english very well... but i don't give a shit to write... and..better to be a noob in english lenguage than an audio noob with 2,511 posts with bla bla bla without learn even a small piece of shit...
Oh yeah... DSS3 and Abyofdreams .... let me clarify:

From Wikipedia: "Faith is a belief in the truth of or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing, that is characteristically held without proof"

Our proofs, the evidences we have, our scientific creation or the sense of truth is based in our perception; and our perception is subjective. For example, our vision, we think we have a real 180° (aprox) vision field. But we have only a center point of clarity, the remaining is created by the brain.

Another example (nut i'm not sure that was "real") is the sound that sounds too clear just adding reverb to an specifc track.... the track before was not hidden by physical laws, but by a kind of brain confusion: the brain cannot recognize two sound coming aparently from the same direction and distance.

If this fundamental things cannot be trusted how you can trust in scientific methods if them are based in the common human perception???

jump out of a skyscraper window, I'm sure you can trust the laws of gravity ;)
Anyway, ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM has less conspiratah. I like the whole utopian thing that old dude has going. My brother told me he saw the dude on the news.
Oh snep! Internet brawl warning!

Back on topic though, the Zeitgeist movies to me provided a hilarious sense of irony. The main point of the films seemed to be to question everything and to assume we are being lied to constantly. What's funny to me about it is how everyone simply accepts the theories presented in the movies with no proof whatsoever. My favorite thing about conspiracy theorists is how much they are like religious nuts. You ask someone to prove God exists and they tell you that they don't need proof, etc. etc. You ask a conspiracy theorist why they believe what they believe and they'll tell you that you're blind and being controlled by the media.
Dom, that still has nothing to do with what I said - I didn't attack faith, I attacked religion. Those two are not mutual exclusives!

But seriously, talking shit about Krispies... not cool. He wasn't even talking about you when he referenced "some n00b with a faulty grasp of the English language" - maybe if you actually understood English as well as you claim to, you'd have realized that.
jump out of a skyscraper window, I'm sure you can trust the laws of gravity ;)

hahaha I knew that could be used against me..... but it is to show thats all about supposition about what's going on beyond our field of perception...

DSS3, i know...you was dealing with have or not have proofs... then i put faith into the subject.... is the faith what makes religion be so unaccurate. Faith is personal... religion is colletive...so that explain why some christians are more enlightened than others. They have less faith and more objectivity about his own religion, thinking more about morality and society istead of taking literaly all the tales.

I ask Krispies to apologise me, if he don't wanted to be mean with the people the doesn't write english... i have to say that i understood very badly at that time.... firstly because te creator of that thread has a good english .... and i was at this time finished a post....i was in a "naked feeling".... o lord.... i'm very shame right now....
All of the theories put forth in Zeitgeist are essentially recycled, cliche conspiracy theories that don't hold very much factual basis. For anyone who's unfamiliar with conspiracy theories, perhaps it's a good intro in the sense that it's the conspiracy theory buffet special or something.
That was my feeling. I couldn't make it through it either. It was like the ultimate guide to "lessons" I've been "taught" by dudes I didn't want to talk to in bars.
That was my feeling. I couldn't make it through it either. It was like the ultimate guide to "lessons" I've been "taught" by dudes I didn't want to talk to in bars.

:lol::lol: God can I relate to that! (being in a college town for the last 3 years)
DSS3, i know...you was dealing with have or not have proofs... then i put faith into the subject.... is the faith what makes religion be so unaccurate. Faith is personal... religion is colletive...so that explain why some christians are more enlightened than others. They have less faith and more objectivity about his own religion, thinking more about morality and society istead of taking literaly all the tales.

Faith and/or religion is for people who are either too ignorant or unwilling to comprehend and understand life. It's a delusion. Religion is man-made and outdated. The way it still influences our world this much makes me feel very sad. Religion is used to control and manipulate gullible people.
I know this is off-topic but I felt the need to write this as I'm not sure where you're going with this...
He was refering to the creator of the "How do mix drums" (How do mix X).

I think is good to question everything, not in a paranoid way, but there are too many "Blind" people that can´t see anything in front of their noses. or maybe have to do with the "worry about your own shit" behaviour, but i don´t know i smell something rotten are there, but then again, if someone wanted to rule the entire world, there was better times for they to "implement" their ageless plan, like WWII or something like that., i have about three months reading the whole NWO thing, and i admit that i was paranoid at moments, because i started to see a lot of "Coincidences" in everything, mostly on TV but in real life too. just lets say that now im more peacefull haha, but hey i like this kind of conversations.
Faith and/or religion is for people who are either too ignorant or unwilling to comprehend and understand life. It's a delusion. Religion is man-made and outdated. The way it still influences our world this much makes me feel very sad. Religion is used to control and manipulate gullible people.
I know this is off-topic but I felt the need to write this as I'm not sure where you're going with this...

You need to carefull with that...i'm not religious....but some people are... and have feelings about that. hehe But i agree at certain point... but i disagree completely in deal with faith and religion like it was the same thing.

PS: in defense of Krispies i don't even know his work.... and he's a nice guy... speaks so well and for that reason got so many posts....
I ask Krispies to apologise me, if he don't wanted to be mean with the people the doesn't write english... i have to say that i understood very badly at that time.... firstly because te creator of that thread has a good english .... and i was at this time finished a post....i was in a "naked feeling".... o lord.... i'm very shame right now....

I just got your P.M.

Now I get what you were talking about.

Yep, wasn't talking to you. Wasn't talking to anyone. I was just trying to inject this thread with a TRVE conspiracy theory.:heh:
Even on the interwebs I get no respect hahah WHERE'S RODNEY WHEN YOU NEED HIM!!:lol::lol:
why do I have to be careful?

To not hurt other people dream or delusion......uhahauh some people need religion, other people don't.... you can't charge the whole world to be intelectualy or spiritually strong or independant as you are...

Chryst Krispies said:
I just got your P.M.

Now I get what you were talking about.

Yep, wasn't talking to you. Wasn't talking to anyone. I was just trying to inject this thread with a TRVE conspiracy theory.
Even on the interwebs I get no respect hahah WHERE'S RODNEY WHEN YOU NEED HIM!!

This cat seen very funny.... sorry again Krist.....