Skeptics! Isn´t it obvious that man was made out of the dust of the earth???!
Dom... if you want people to question everything, teach them math and science.
Gojira_... if you think our generation questions everything, you probably haven't worked for a high school. Some in our generation question everything, and the other 99% plow through life without knowing anything - there's a very good chance that previous generations' smart people died off already.
Dom... if you want people to question everything, teach them math and science.
true SocialNumb! i forgot the excuses that i've heard about that, supposed to have some sort of stupid meaning about our dependence on the earth. I don't remember, i was religeous as fuck when i was a kid. until i saw a scam in front of my own eyes happen in church. I'll give ya the low down...
some douche bag stood in front of a table. on that table was a glass pan. in that pan was "water" (as the pastor claimed, yet the room had a strong smell, similar to lighter fluid....) he also had a long sleeve shirt on, and a jacket. he takes off his jacket and then claims something like 'with the power of our lord and savior, i will set this water on fire, with the grace of God'. not exact words (i was 12, and ive smoked a lot of weed since then). a little fireball shoots from his sleeve and sets the pan of "water" on fire. he then claims that the water will extinguish itself. he babbles some more nonsense and then waves his hand like a fucking magician (i remember yelling "tada!!" haha) and nothing happened. he fucked up his whole gag then some people came with fire extinguishers to put out the fire (it was getting smokey in there!). everyone in mass was like "halejuewhateverhowyouspellit, its a miracle!" people were crying and shit. Here I am, 12 years old, and i think i was the only one who saw that little scene for what it was. BULLSHIT. kinda turned me off religion. not to mention they would always lure kids into coming to church around easter by having a huge chick give-a-way thing. where they gave away live baby chickens. kids flocked to the church buses! fuck, it even worked on me! lol
true SocialNumb! i forgot the excuses that i've heard about that, supposed to have some sort of stupid meaning about our dependence on the earth. I don't remember, i was religeous as fuck when i was a kid. until i saw a scam in front of my own eyes happen in church. I'll give ya the low down...
some douche bag stood in front of a table. on that table was a glass pan. in that pan was "water" (as the pastor claimed, yet the room had a strong smell, similar to lighter fluid....) he also had a long sleeve shirt on, and a jacket. he takes off his jacket and then claims something like 'with the power of our lord and savior, i will set this water on fire, with the grace of God'. not exact words (i was 12, and ive smoked a lot of weed since then). a little fireball shoots from his sleeve and sets the pan of "water" on fire. he then claims that the water will extinguish itself. he babbles some more nonsense and then waves his hand like a fucking magician (i remember yelling "tada!!" haha) and nothing happened. he fucked up his whole gag then some people came with fire extinguishers to put out the fire (it was getting smokey in there!). everyone in mass was like "halejuewhateverhowyouspellit, its a miracle!" people were crying and shit. Here I am, 12 years old, and i think i was the only one who saw that little scene for what it was. BULLSHIT. kinda turned me off religion. not to mention they would always lure kids into coming to church around easter by having a huge chick give-a-way thing. where they gave away live baby chickens. kids flocked to the church buses! fuck, it even worked on me! lol
I don't want.... i just think it's cool....haha but anyway... i think the question of education is more complicated than that... i've seen many people that deals with math and science like was some kind of papper work. You probably must know some people like that.
Dude, that's just unbelievable, that's seriously like birthday party magician status...this was in Washington? Or did you once reside in like Mississippi?![]()
The biggest problem with a lot of these 9/11 conspiracies is that they rely on the fundamentally BATFUCKINGSHITINSANE assumption that our government can actually do anything right. They fucked a lot of things up and lied about them, but that's about the best we can say.
Wait wait wait - a MILLION innocent deaths!? Where are you getting that figure?
Wasn't that an unnecessary step? I mean dude made everything out of nothing and then all of sudden needs dirt to make a man. Seems strange to me.![]()