Zeitgeist "The Movie"

Just remember the people who made Zeitgeist are not trying to ram this down your throat as absolute truth. They say at the beginning "just open your mind to the possibility ", Thats not a direct quote, but something along that line. I for one don't trust the government for shit
I can respect everyone's beliefs. I just guess I get tired of the whole "beat the system" , "The government is out to get us" stuff. Its just never seemed very rational to me. But if you feel that way then you ofcourse are entitled to that opinion.
just pointing out that people accused of organizing and executing the whole thing looked completely clueless, and I absolutely can`t believe that they were capable of doing it, especially with all the security. I mean, c`mon, it`s the United States, nobody can just fly around unnoticed.

Good, that make two of us.
I wasn't making a racist remark, just pointing out that people accused of organizing and executing the whole thing looked completely clueless, and I absolutely can`t believe that they were capable of doing it, especially with all the security. I mean, c`mon, it`s the United States, nobody can just fly around unnoticed.

You've made two very large assumptions that got the States into this situation in the first place:

1) Underestimating the other side.

2) American arrogance.

I mean, c`mon, it`s the United States, nobody can just fly around unnoticed.
Yes, they can. Ever heard of the drug trade? Maybe all that cocaine just magically appeared? Heroin? Ecstasy?

And for the record, "Do you seriously believe that bunch of Arabs who can`t even ride a camel were competent to fly those plains" is most certainly a racist remark.
A plane is expected to blow cars off a freeway when flying at low altitude? Where is the experimental evidence for that?

It gets a bit tiring hearing people say a plane never hit the pentagon, then cite the lack of abundant plane wreckage as "proof". Commercial planes are made mostly of Aluminum and plastic. In all seriousness, what would you expect to happen when such a thing impacts concrete at an insanely high speed? If you can't imagine, I suppose you could watch this video that I don't know how to embed:

The 911 truth shit is just fucking stupid. I'm not saying that the government trying something like that is out of the question, but the evidence the Truthers put forth just doesnt hold up and has been debunked a thousand times over. At most, I believe the biggest part the government may have played in 911, if they played a part at all, was having some sort of prior knowledge about the attack plans and doing little or nothing to stop it. I don't think anyone in their right minds expected the towers to fall, but in hindsight, given the way they were constructed, it isn't so surprising that planes could have taken them down at all.

The alternative (demolition charges) is fucking insanely idiotic. Given the amount of explosives that go into building demolition, I'm pretty sure someone (or many people) would have noticed some peculiar "maintenance" going on before the morning of 9-11 on coincidently the same floors that the planes hit (excellent flying skills, hitting the right floors and all!) and blown the whistle by now.

One of the other alternatives, that it was military planes that hit the towers, is so retarded it makes me feel embarrassed for anyone who buys into it. Thats like planning an elaborate murder plot, only to take a polaroid of yourself committing the crime and leaving it next to the victim. You think if the government wanted to pull it off they wouldn't be able to get their hands on a few airliners? C'mon.

Also, why is it so hard to believe that the hijackers could pull it off? Remember some (most?) of them were living in the U.S. for a while before 9-11, and even had flight training from american flight schools. Some were highly educated. Before 9-11 it wasn't very common for hijackers to use planes as missiles. All of the passengers probably were under the impression that they were being held hostage for ransom, and had no idea they were fucked no matter what, and therefore put up little resistance. Those on flight 93 only fought back because they knew their hijackers were on a suicide mission (the other planes had already hit their targets), and that fighting was their only chance for survival, or at the very least, the only way to save the lives of those at the hijackers intended target.

Hindsight is always 20/20. It's easy to sit here today and be shocked that they were able to pull it off, but before 9-11, all the warning bells that seem obvious now werent so much a factor.

Truthers are just drama queens. If you want to propose that the government pulled off 9-11, don't shoot your cause in the foot by using retarded evidence. It makes rational people's brains hurt and will only embarrass you.

My ranting isn't aimed at anyone here, just truthers in general. Their ignorance is extremely annoying.
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Truthers are just drama queens. If you want to propose that the government pulled off 9-11, don't shoot your cause in the foot by using retarded evidence.

My favorite theory was that missles were launched from the planes before they hit the towers
Oh yea, forgot about that one. Classic. Or that tower 7 had to have been taken down intentionally. "Theres no way tons upon tons of falling debris scooping out a large chunk of it's structure could make it collapse. No way. It was planned."
I'm not from the U.S. so I cant really comment about 9/11, but I watched the crash live on TV and I believe that whatever the origin of the accident was, the result was terrible and sad. About the movie itself, as an adult engineer I do not believe anything a see (hell, I don't even believe in God) but here is what I think.

- About religion. The facts were very "hand picked", out of context and some very silly BUT I believe Romans needed to unify somehow all the cultures and people that they had conquered, thus they unified their religions taking stuff from here and there making a generic and "convenient" religion for them. I don't know if all that religions tell us are lies, but some stuff is really hard ti believe these days.

- 9/11. Its very hard to believe that an administration would that to their country. But the main reason behind all this 9/11 conspiracy belief is your government's lack of consistency and sincerity. I'm from Chile, we had 16 years of military government.. and guess what, we discovered that the CIA had helped Pinochet (Even McCain met with Pinochet in 1885). And it has been like this all around the world, U.S. politicians have made lots and lots of mistakes, cover-ups and very, very questionable things. With the rise of free and massive mediums of communication these things came up and the government lost credibility.

- The money stuff. Come on... was the guy new to economy? money IS a concept, not a piece of paper or metal. Of course banks "create" money. The value of money just as the concept of power is a matter of perception, If you believe gold has value, then it has value (to you at least) and if 100 million people think that you have power, then you have (over them at least).

You have to love Metal, you won`t find this kind of topics on Pop music ;-)
Your all wrong!:bah:

Bush and co used there time stopping device to empty the planes of passengers who where then swiftly taken to there teleportation station where they where warped into a city on mars cloaked by anomalous localised resonance. The pilots where replaced by robots of which one held on to a semi burnable passport. Then they went back in time when the building where being built stopped time there and rigged the building with hidden explosives. (to ensure the buildings would go down) On the day of 9/11 using again there time stopper emptied the building of people sent that bunch to mars with the rest, replacing all the people with cyborgs programed to destroy them selfs. (some jumping off the building others waiting for the fire and debris) To make sure they would make some money on top they took out several insurances on the buildings couple weeks before the planes hit and left Larry Silverstein to collect for later distribution among the elite. (time machine had to be recharged so they couldn't go back and put that in place sooner) They did all this because they needed a major distraction to ship supplies to Iraq where they are building an underground city where they will house 1 million selected people and 2 of each animal in a Ark fashion to rebuild earth. (they can't warp everyone to mars because said cloaking device won't cover that large an area and because life cannot be supported outside said city) Using Looking Glass they discovered a huge comet will hit on December 21, 2012 destroying all life not inside the underground city. All technologies are supplied by our humanoid friends on Planet X. The Xiens will play a major role in cleaning up all the left over ghosts and lost souls left on earth a year after the comet hits. This is to avoid being seen by the 1 million humans in the underground city. Naturally some ghost and souls will be over looked so people can still believe in God. :rolleyes:
9-11 is nothing compared to what's about to happend when de dollar collapses. I fear for us all. All you guys should do research on your own, instead of listening to individual opinions about the subject.

No way the government pulled that off.

it wouldn't necessarily even have to be "the government"...who's to say that a few individuals connected to the bush admin didn't conspire with the guy who bought the WTC from the NY port authority, along with a few other individuals who had much to gain(israel?)?

point is...the "official" story is that the whole thing was pulled off with 19 hiajackers, and a very small group of people who planned the attacks...why is it so unbelievable that the same may be true, but with a different group being responsible?
The alternative (demolition charges) is fucking insanely idiotic. Given the amount of explosives that go into building demolition, I'm pretty sure someone (or many people) would have noticed some peculiar "maintenance" going on before the morning of 9-11 on coincidently the same floors that the planes hit (excellent flying skills, hitting the right floors and all!) and blown the whistle by now.

from what i understand, after the WTC was no longer controlled by the NYPA, security for the entire complex was ran by a company whose CEO was...you'll never guess this one...dubya's little brother(not to be confused with his other little brother, who stole the 2000 election for him in florida)!

of course that could be wrong...the articles i read could be completely falsifying that information - but if it's true, it definitely creates a direct link between the bushes and the safety/security of the WTC in the months prior to the attacks.

i dunno...call me crazy, but it doesn't seem too far-fetched to me that someone would buy those buildings and insure them for twice their value with the prior knowledge that the company that they hire for the security was going to help destroy them, so that the country they live in(USA), along with the zionist nation whose religion they share(israel), can escalate their unending war against arabic nations in the pursuit of more $$$$.

also, i'm sure that there's more than a few assholes in this world who would be willing to murder 3,000 people in one fell swoop in order to make $3.5 billion...
i've seen both zeitgeist movies and believe they bring up some interesting ideas, as well as some bogus ideas. i always try to research both sides of the story no matter what it is about.

personally, i think too much blame is placed solely on the "bush administration." i don't think it was necessarily planned on their part, but they did definitely benifit from this event by taking advantage of the citizens or iraq, afghanistan, and the american citizens for profit. i think the real evil do-ers are the ones who nobody talks about, the ones not in the spotlight. for example: everyone gives sara palin crap about what she would have done/not done in office, but name one significant thing dick cheney did during his 8 years of office! let's see, he shot someone in the face accidentally while hunting, and that's about all the news coverage he ever got. so if that's what we can expect from a vice president, she's more that fucking qualified! she'd be flying over iraq in a damn helicopter shooting terrorists in the face all day. now just imagine her doing that shit in a american flag bikini and try and tell me that wouldn't give you an instant boner.:yow: but my main point is that nobody talks about him, yet do a little bit of research on halliburton and you can only imagine the kind of mischief he is up to.

but back on topic here, i think the best info zeitgeist provides is how the banking system works/doesn't work. it needs to be talked about because the dollar is going to become completely worthless sooner or later if they don't change the system of allowing the federal reserve to print up money all willy-nilly-like. i don't believe obama with change anything when it comes to this, and that is why i don't support him (i don't support mccain either). i think it's good people are watching films like these and talking about the validity of the points made in the film.

for fun i'd like to make some random predictions:

obama will not be assassinated
things will seem like they are looking up for a while
some kind of "terrorist attack" will happen
we will go to war with iran
the u.s. government will start falling apart
more countries will begin to wage war with each other
world war 3
Ok, I'll give you the "planes are made of aluminum and plastic" so the pieces of the plane could have "disintegrated".... However, the most intriguing piece of evidence connected to the Pentagon hit is that the engine that they found on the lawn absolutely did not belong to the plane that they said hit the Pentagon. Irrefutable, plain fact. Explain that one.

Yeah, didn't think so.

However, the most intriguing piece of evidence connected to the Pentagon hit is that the engine that they found on the lawn absolutely did not belong to the plane that they said hit the Pentagon. Irrefutable, plain fact. Explain that one.

Yeah, didn't think so.


The burden of proof is on whoever is making the claim that the engine doesn't match. I'm not saying it does match, as theres no way for me to know. I wasn't there examining wreckage, and I don't have access to serial numbers and records which would indicate what plane a particular engine belongs to. Even if it doesn't match, it's still a bit of a stretch to go ahead and say, "See, something doesn't add up, so the government must have planned the whole thing." In my mind that would make me probably raise an eyebrow, but I wouldn't be able to rule out bad record keeping or shitty reporting as the cause for the inconsistancy, either. There are so many people who want to believe that 9-11 was an inside job, that any shred of contradicting reports will instantly take wind and spread as "proof" that the government was behind everything.

Kind of like the Air Force denying that strange lights over a city has anything to do with them "proves" that we are indeed being visited by aliens. Imagination is required to connect the dots, and unfortunately imagination makes for very poor evidence.
Also, I don't know if you're trying to imply that the engine found at the site didn't belong to the plane that they claimed hit the building in terms of it being a different kind of engine, or just a different engine of the same make and model, as I assumed in my previous post. I couldn't find any conspiracy theories having anything to do with serial numbers or anything, but in terms of the engine debris belonging to an entirely different kind of engine, I did find this rather interesting page which addresses the notion.


Does that explain things to your satisfaction?