

Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
I want to know people's opinion on this internet documentary. I'm not one to be suckered in by political propaganda, but I found certain points that this video raised to be of particular interest. Not necessarily the religion section (I've known about the folly of organized religion for years now :cool:). However, certain other points such as the Federal Reserve had me going at times. I wanted to ask what others on these forums thought of this video, and if you disbelieve it or know it to be incorrect, please post links and explain where you've found your proof.

In this day and age the truth is almost non-existent. With so much government control and censorship, how are we to know what to believe anymore? I'm only trying to get a general consensus on this video.

For those who haven't seen it, here's a link. Beware, it's about two hours long. :cool:

Also, the intro is slightly lengthy. Should have been shorter.

I do think they probably make some excellent points, and I found it captivating to watch. But I also think they probably used every trick in the book to be convincing and to get people to believe. This, for me, makes them untrustworthy. To me the person to believe would be one who's really trying to present just the facts, and explaining different potential conclusions.

The one example I would give is in the religion section where they have a large list of names of past Gods that included characteristics of Jesus. I know that there are some striking real examples, but I think they made some of these names up just for effect. I've searched fro some and the only facts about them I can find is that they were mentioned in Zeitgeist. They aren't even connected to a particular religion or people, that I can find.
Well I find this video to be, in essence a combination of other videos out there that I have already seen before. I like that it doesn't get into too many details and enough of the details to prove the point. If this version of history is even 75% accurate, then it still is much of a problem. The only problem you will find with others' opinions on this board may be that this lends to conspiracy, and they of course will say you are crazy to believe that anything that is not reported in the mainstream is a lie for some other agenda. At the same time, it is very conceivable that there are also agents spitting out exaggerated false conspiracy like videos as part of the mass disinformation effort of those would want to keep people from either believing it, or to at least create a level of uncertainty as to the truth of the real world events actually happening. I am very disappointed that so little if anything at all has been done to correct these problems.
I saw this awhile ago, last year sometime. The part about bankers (investors, world "leaders", puppet masters) was the only part I found people had better open their eyes too. I wont do any research, I dont feel I need to, I've been watching this crap go down for decades in simple daily life and events, it only takes one good set of eyes, ears, foresight and deductive reasoning.

Section on religions was a no shit shirlock, everyone should know mankind has always believed in higher powers. I do recall that there was a few things in there that seemed devoid the point.

Section on world trade center was also a no shit shirlock but in the sense that we allowed any people from that part of the world entrance into our country in the first place is the bottom line. If theres an area of the world that has spent its lifetime chanting "kill America"... well ? I have always found it interesting that the buildings were no where at full capacity and many important players were not at work that day. The part about the cut steel and explosions at the bottom of the towers is said to be due to the ruptured, full fuel tanks of the jets, pouring down the elevator shafts, pooling at the bottom and exploding, which seems pretty valid to me.

Documentaries such as this are good, even if there is one sided spin because its no different than the one sided spin we get from various forms of media
His economics were a bit off since the Treasury issues debt, the open markets set interest rates on the debt, and the Federal Reserve comes into the equation by buying and selling bonds to target the interbank lending i.e. Federal Funds rate. Additionally, as the currency is issued against the debt, Congress induces inflation through increasing the money supply merely by running a deficit.
Thank you all for your replies.

Another question. What's the deal with the North American Union? Was that actually signed? I know they showed a clip of CNN covering it on the video, but that could just as easily have been a reporter offering conjecture on what would happen if such a document was signed. When I searched the North American Union on the internet I find several websites that say it's a rumor, or a conspiracy theory. There is a website that says "Stop the North American Union," but it doesn't say it has been signed. Zeitgeist offered the theory as though it was fact. So, what's the truth there?

This is the site by the government that details the actual creation and progress of the north American union. The beginnings of construction of the transnational highways is going on in Texas, there are various things about this. It has been covered in some detail by paleo-conservative Alex Jones, a renowned rabble rouser and "conspiracy theorist". Alex has his own radio show in Texas(although he is a crazy christian and talks about the evil politicians LOL) and has covered this issue quite thoroughly with guest who know about this more then he does. When it comes to anyone talking about things like politics and religion it is always going to be their Map of the territory and not a more objective territory description which in my mind is the only real way to get an accurate account of the truth. Alex Jones also has a tendency to delete certain bits of truth leaving out other pieces of evidence and get into rants that are emotionally charged and only influenced by the events.