I want to know people's opinion on this internet documentary. I'm not one to be suckered in by political propaganda, but I found certain points that this video raised to be of particular interest. Not necessarily the religion section (I've known about the folly of organized religion for years now
). However, certain other points such as the Federal Reserve had me going at times. I wanted to ask what others on these forums thought of this video, and if you disbelieve it or know it to be incorrect, please post links and explain where you've found your proof.
In this day and age the truth is almost non-existent. With so much government control and censorship, how are we to know what to believe anymore? I'm only trying to get a general consensus on this video.
For those who haven't seen it, here's a link. Beware, it's about two hours long.
Also, the intro is slightly lengthy. Should have been shorter.

In this day and age the truth is almost non-existent. With so much government control and censorship, how are we to know what to believe anymore? I'm only trying to get a general consensus on this video.
For those who haven't seen it, here's a link. Beware, it's about two hours long.

Also, the intro is slightly lengthy. Should have been shorter.