Zero Hour Announcement!


#1 Zero Hour Fan
Nov 22, 2002
Mission Viejo, CA

Effective immediately, ZERO HOUR has parted ways with vocalist, Erik Rosvold. The other members of ZERO HOUR have not seen or directly talked to Erik since we got back from our European tour in April 2003. Since that time our only method of communication with Erik has been by email (with little response from him). Jasun, Mike and I felt we'd lost control of ZERO HOUR and even thought about discontinuing ZERO HOUR. Erik would make sporadic ventures into the studio to work on the new album but progress was slow and has ground to a halt for months now. Frankly we were all concerned and at the same time a bit unsure of how to proceed. We loved what Erik's vocals brought to the band and always felt that he was an integral part of the band…but we also knew that if the band was going to continue he would have to be replaced. Finding a replacement for Erik would not be easy.

We are pleased to announce that Fred Marshall is the new vocalist in ZERO HOUR! Jasun and I have been fans of Fred's vocals ever since we heard his prior band's demo, "Reigning Thoughts" by Destiny's Void. Through the assistance of Doug Ott of Enchant we were able to get in contact with Fred. We called Fred and sent him Towers of Avarice and now we are working together on the next disc!

Fred will start tracking in November and all vocals will be tracked in December. Zero Hour will have our next CD released in early 2005!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our fans for their patience, without you we are nothing. ZERO HOUR will always give you our best and one thanks is never enough. We know the wait has been long but we will not let you down. We would also like to thank Ken Golden/Sensory Records for their constant support.

Sorry to hear about Erik I must admit that I am not suprised. I remember seeing you guys in Holland and wondering how things would work out in the long time.
I am actually relieved that the band has not spilt I have been so worried that this may happen. It sounds like you did not have any choice and after meeting you guys and just being amazed of how down to earth you guys are I know this must be really hard
I feel more postive for the band as you can start gigging again and the recording will now happen.
Zero Hour RULES
Damn...I feel like I'm in mourning. I hope Erik continues to make music, I'd hate to never hear his voice again. He'll always be one of my favorite vocalists!!

Welcome aboard to Fred! :wave:

Are there any soundclips online of Fred? I'm extremely curious about his voice!!!

Will Erik's lyrics still be used or is Fred writing his own?

FataMorgana said:
Are there any soundclips online of Fred? I'm extremely curious about his voice!!!
**NO sound clips, but he sounds a lil like Midnight and Geoff Tate, but still has his own sound. Its going to be a good combination for ZH.

Will Erik's lyrics still be used or is Fred writing his own?
**Nope all new lyrics, which are all pretty much done already. So the new one won't be a conceptual CD. There will be a mix of songs from what was going to be De-Evolution and songs from what would have been the 4th CD.


Bob "Buddah"
Well, this is depressing news... since Erik's vocal performance on "Towers" is definately in my top 5 metal vocal performances ever... and I thought his expressive mid-range was suited perfectly for Zero Hour's music.

I hope I love the new guy at least half as much as Erik. And it's great that ZH still exists and will have a new platter of metal on the way soon.
Demonspell said:
On one level this completely sucks, as Erik's vocals were a perfect match for the music on Towers of Avarice, but it's also great to hear that his departure will not further delay the album and will enable ZH to work more frequently.
Pretty much sums it up. I always felt Erik was one of the best and most underappreciated vocalists in Metal. I'm intriuged to hear the new vocalist.

I seem to be on a bad run, with my favorite bands and their vocalists:

Matt leaves Iced Earth
Jorn leaves Ark
Erik leaves Zero Hour

If Russell leave SX, I'm going to start to feel paranoid.

Rex said:
will the songs that Erik has already worked on be included with his vocals or not? Maybe that'd be some cool bonus tracks or somthin'
NO...everything Erik recorded and all his lyrics will end up in the trash can so to say. All you will ever hear is that 2 minute clip that was on the webpage. If you you didn't download it and save it you lost your chance cause it has been deleted.

Bob "Buddah"
I look forward to hearing the new stuff with Fred I read in some interview that Midnight was one of Jason favorite vocalist.
It will be strange not to hear Erik wonderful voice
Can you create a clip as soon as possible so we can all hear the new vocalist
I have to express the sadness I feel about Erik's depature. His voice was wonderful and will be missed. On the other side of things I am happy for the rest of the band being able to move on. I remember reading the posts off their webpage about how much trouble they were having, getting Erik in the studio to record the vocals. Considering all that I am happy to hear about the new singer. I look forward to hearing him along with the new music.
Nice move guys! I can't wait to hear the new tracks!


Our fans and friends have been so great to us over the years and it's great to receive positive support from all of you during this time. You are a huge reason why we carry on and we are very excited towards the future of Zero Hour.

The band is so STOKED to tell you we have a great singer in Fred Marshall and we can't wait for you to hear his vocals over our new material.


Jasun/Zero Hour
It is just good to know that you guys decided to carry on. Really looking forward to hearing Fred
DMThrak said:

Our fans and friends have been so great to us over the years and it's great to receive positive support from all of you during this time. You are a huge reason why we carry on and we are very excited towards the future of Zero Hour.

The band is so STOKED to tell you we have a great singer in Fred Marshall and we can't wait for you to hear his vocals over our new material.


Jasun/Zero Hour
I kinda saw it coming because it seemed Erik was being un-cooperative with the rest of the band and seemed to be busy with something else. I did, however, think that before the split happened that De-Evolution would have been released. The only regret I have is missing out on that absolutely deep and unique concept that was to be De-Evolution. So is there no chance of that concept being done or is it that all the lyrics/concept is written/owned by Erik?
Some of the songs off De-Evolution is not making the CD. We will be having 4 other new recordings going on. (The other songs will be on the disc after De-Evolution because the music is owned by Troy and myself.)

Erik never finished the lyrics to De-Evolution. He was close but never finished. None of Erik's lyrics or vocal lines will make the CD. Plus Erik didn't finish any song all the way through. He was close on 2 but the others needed alot of fixing. The long song he never tracked a word.

Alot of people have asked if the songs Erik finished will be on the CD. The answer is easy because he never finished a song start to finish completely. And since we've parted ways with Erik the only material you'll here his vocals on are Towers of Avarice & Metamorphosis.

Erik is a great singer and I will never take that away from him. For Zero Hour to go on we had to get a new singer and we have an amazing singer in Fred. Mikey, Troy and I are very excited to the future of Zero Hour.

i just hope i can like fred's vocals, i'm usually not too fond of the power/prog vocals but erik vocals has a really darker feel to it and i love that but who knows fred might be even better eheh.
anyway i'm glad you guys moved on, everyone saw that coming, just make that cd dammit ! i want to hear more of those awesome riffs:rock: