Zero Hour at ProgPower USA

Fucking amazing at ProgPower VII, especially at the signing when they signed my boyfriend's cig. ;]
This is like, bringing back the days of when an album is released and you bust your ass to get to the store that very day. And they don't have it, so you go to another one, and another one, on a diehard quest to get it. And when you snag the last copy, it's like.... well.... :kickass:
YOU RULE MATT and we look forward to the East Coast shows with you kats....Should be KILLER!!!

ACATALEPTIC it was awesome meeting you, your b.f and the rest of the crew at ProgPower. We should have a pic up soon of everyone. YOU RULE META-SISTA and you b/f RULESS for having us sign his cig...(That was a first for us and that's METAL!!)


I'll have a few more posted here later on.