Zero Hour webpage is 5 today!!


#1 Zero Hour Fan
Nov 22, 2002
Mission Viejo, CA
Was tinkering with the page a lil today and noticed that it has been on the net exactly 5 years today................crazy how the time flies by. Seems like it was just yesterday that we threw the page together.

Just thought I would share that lil bit of trivia with you all.

If it wasnt such a pain in the ass I would throw up the first ever version back up there for a day or 2.............maybe I will feel creative later, but prolly not........hehe

Bob "Buddah"
The first time I heard Zero Hour... I purchased "The Towers of Avarice" on a whim from Dream Disc in the summer of 2001. Was blown away by what I heard.
BUDDAH RULES!!!!! Thank you brotha for doing an amazing job on the web-site for 5 years. Many thanks to our fans, you're what keeps us going.

I picked up the self-titled release from Knights of The Round (now known as More Metal) (along with One Hour By The Contrete Lake - POS) way back in early 2000.

Had to wait ages for Towers Of Avarice - but it was worth the wait.
Ah....I remember the first time I heard Zero Hour, by buddy RaY was raving about them and that weekend when I went to see Dream Theater in NYC there was one copy of Towers on the shelf at Virgin Records and w/out hesitation I bought it and was hooked ever since. You guys fucking rule! Keep making awesome music.
-The Conductor(a.k.a. The Dude)