Zero Punctuation

Hahaha, just because you're a little fanboy, and Canadian. Yes it was funny.

EDIT: Sorry I forgot to tell you to remove you head from your ass.

I'm allowed to have an opinion. I agree with everything that lousy fucker said about Halo 3. I am not a fanboi. He hit the nail on the head regarding the solo game. But I enjoy the multi-player so I don't care :lol: But for the record I didn't find him funny at all, not even slightly. He tried too hard to be witty and failed imo. His pace also annoyed me. There's a reason why there are no British rappers, so this guy should learn to stfu cuz talking like that isn't really cool. And you know, since he's such a stickler for originality and shit, his style of humour/talking has been done before OVER AND OVER.

Also, he hasn't played the first two and therefore wouldn't enjoy the story as much. That's like watching Return of the Jedi and saying it sucks because you don't get any of the story :lol:
I'm allowed to have an opinion. I agree with everything that lousy fucker said about Halo 3. I am not a fanboi. He hit the nail on the head regarding the solo game. But I enjoy the multi-player so I don't care :lol: But for the record I didn't find him funny at all, not even slightly. He tried too hard to be witty and failed imo. His pace also annoyed me. There's a reason why there are no British rappers, so this guy should learn to stfu cuz talking like that isn't really cool. And you know, since he's such a stickler for originality and shit, his style of humour/talking has been done before OVER AND OVER.

Also, he hasn't played the first two and therefore wouldn't enjoy the story as much. That's like watching Return of the Jedi and saying it sucks because you don't get any of the story :lol:

That reminds me of someone...
Listen to the other ones aswell, they were even more funny :lol:
^I guess it's European humour perhaps. I honestly didn't find it funny, not that anyone cares but I'm just saying, I have my opinion, you have yours. If you LOL'd then awesome but because I didn't doesn't mean shit so leave me be :lol: