Most Heroic Thing You've Done


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
I'm curious, what IS the most "heroic" thing you've done. It doesn't have to be a fucking miracle or like something from the movies. You don't have to make some elaborate story up. I'm just curious, what sort of things will people do in order to help others. So whether it's a small deed/act of kindness or you carried a bus load of elderly from a burning building, post your stories here. Adversely, if you don't have any stories, post situations in which you regret not doing something, like you had a chance to help someone but didn't for whatever reason. We won't judge you :p

But seriously, the whole point of this thread is NOT TO LIE. Lying on the internet is sad :lol: That makes you AN HERO, not what this thread is about at all. I'll let a few people post first before I say a couple of my stories. So go ahead, let's see how many of us CoBOTers are superheroes?! :lol:
I saved Alexi Laiho from fanbois who decided to literally lunge at him and attack him.

I saved a kitty from starvation when I left milk and food for him outside my house
I'll make it serious, although most of this shit isn't really heroic imo, but rather good deeds ANYONE should do. Off the top of my head I have:

-I once broke into a house via the window and got out my friend's 12 year old sister from inside when her drunken abusive mom was going crazy and locked the door and was probably about to beat the shit out of her if I didn't go in there. That was the only time I ever felt heroic, although it was really nothing.

-Been in a few fights over the honour of a girl/because a guy who was bothering a girl... sometimes I found out afterwards the information I was given was false >_>

-Saved MORE than a few animals from abusive/neglectful homes.

-Stopped a SHITLOAD of bullies from picking on people in high school (including retarded kids) :lol: Some great stories seriously.

-I saved a girl from being raped pretty much one night at my store, that is to say I delayed her potential rapist long enough for her to escape (I even made his drunk ass clean up a mess another customer made).

-I've babysat plenty of drunks at parties, and brought many to the hospital... I honestly think some of them would have died or been raped those nights if I wasn't there.

God there's moar I just can't think of it atm.

EDIT: Fuck I can't believe I forgot this... My dad, my cousin and I were driving once and fucking we saw this car just swerve off the road and go down the incline into the water. So we pulled over, got out and jumped into the shallow marsh swamp thing and pulled the lady out and someone called 911... she had a fucking heart attack. I can't believe I forgot that :lol:
I'll make it serious, although most of this shit isn't really heroic imo, but rather good deeds ANYONE should do. Off the top of my head I have:

-I once broke into a house via the window and got out my friend's 12 year old sister from inside when her drunken abusive mom was going crazy and locked the door and was probably about to beat the shit out of her if I didn't go in there. That was the only time I ever felt heroic, although it was really nothing.

-Been in a few fights over the honour of a girl/a guy who was bothering a girl... sometimes I found out afterwards the information I was given was false >_>

-Saved MORE than a few animals from abusive/neglectful homes.

-Stopped a SHITLOAD of bullies from picking on people in high school (including retarded kids) :lol: Some great stories seriously.

-I saved a girl from being raped pretty much one night at my store, that is to say I delayed her potential rapist long enough for her to escape (I even made his drunk ass clean up a mess another customer made).

God there's moar I just can't think of it atm.

you should re-name this thread 'the most heroic things I, joe, have done' :lol::heh:
I've given women their first orgasm on a few occasions, and they weren't virgins either. I like to think I changed their lives.

:lol: I don't want to sound like a pompous ass but any guy who doesn't give a girl an orgasm is either really bad at sex and needs to learn how to do it right, was just having sex to pleasure himself and doesn't care about the girl, or he's a premie... all of which are bad things in their own right.
^yeah, but you're nice, everyone expects you to do stuff like that... you little dutch hero

no one sees it coming from joe

no offense, amigo :lol:
Me and Conan once ventured into the Lair of the Snake Cult and killer their leader, thus bringing vengance to Conan and giving him the title of King of Thieves.