Most Heroic Thing You've Done

Well sorrrrry I don't live in the Ghetto and don't have trouble to solve! :p If anything I'm the one causing trouble. :lol:

The life of a miscreant, or mischievous rable rouser.
Well sorrrrry I don't live in the Ghetto and don't have trouble to solve! :p If anything I'm the one causing trouble. :lol:

The life of a miscreant, or mischievous rable rouser.

:lol: I didn't live in the ghetto, although it was far from a nice neighborhood. I can't be the only one who's had a fucked up life where all the bad shit happens :lol:
:lol: I didn't live in the ghetto, although it was far from a nice neighborhood. I can't be the only one who's had a fucked up life where all the bad shit happens :lol:

I live close to the ghetto, I only go into it for the LCBO, because they have cheap Malt Liquer on display and I don't look skeezy buying it :p.


The most heroic thing I can think of was some drunk girl..on E...was yelling at my friends house going "OMG I KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE OVER!!!".
*Long story, but shes Fucked so no one wants her around*
So we had to stand outside and stop her from throwing shit at the house and yelling in the streets. All I did was slap her once and told her she was being an idiot and she walked off.

Everyone applauded :cool:
I live close to the ghetto, I only go into it for the LCBO, because they have cheap Malt Liquer on display and I don't look skeezy buying it :p.


The most heroic thing I can think of was some drunk girl..on E...was yelling at my friends house going "OMG I KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE OVER!!!".
*Long story, but shes Fucked so no one wants her around*
So we had to stand outside and stop her from throwing shit at the house and yelling in the streets. All I did was slap her once and told her she was being an idiot and she walked off.

Everyone applauded :cool:

You slapped a chick, dude that's the most ANTI heroic thing ever :lol:!
I live close to the ghetto, I only go into it for the LCBO, because they have cheap Malt Liquer on display and I don't look skeezy buying it :p.


The most heroic thing I can think of was some drunk girl..on E...was yelling at my friends house going "OMG I KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE OVER!!!".
*Long story, but shes Fucked so no one wants her around*
So we had to stand outside and stop her from throwing shit at the house and yelling in the streets. All I did was slap her once and told her she was being an idiot and she walked off.

Everyone applauded :cool:

:lol: That is like me telling the story of how I almost knocked some chick the fuck out at an Evanescence concert... I mean I was doing a "heroic" thing, protecting my g/f, but :lol: it's not something I would be proud about.
:lol: That is like me telling the story of how I almost knocked some chick the fuck out at an Evanescence concert... I mean I was doing a "heroic" thing, protecting my g/f, but :lol: it's not something I would be proud about.

I don't want people to misinterpret what I wrote here :lol: By "I almost knocked some chick the fuck out at an Evanescence concert" I didn't mean I was going to hit the girl but didn't, I mean I fucking punched her my hardest three times and she was almost unconscious, about to take a dive :lol: In my defense I didn't know it was a girl though until after.
According to Andy, whose opinions I respect, whenever I post here I am "a fucking hero".

Cliff too.. Aye! :lol:

And I'm not a sexist. I don't believe someone should stand up for a girl who is drunk smashing bottles in the street screaming at a house at 2am. If a guy was doing it, he would have probably gotten his ass kicked. If I had punched her in the nose and kicked her once or twice, then it would be bad, but it was a simple smack which she more than deserved..and needed.

Its okay to beat your wife with a piece of wood as long as its no wider than your thumb (rule of thumb)....[Boondocks] Then they should call it Rule of Wrist! [/Boondocks]

Anywho, I'm not a promoter of women beating, but girls know it too, some people are idiots and could use a good smack :p.

P.S. The girl's older brother happens to be connected with gangs, and I was later told he was pissed and out to get me (He has sent more than one person to the hospital), but someone stood up for me saying "She really, really deserved it, let it slide" or something. So it could have been a very bad thing for me.
^:lol: I would never hit a girl, no matter what, unless she attacked me first. In that situation I guarantee I could got her to stop with my voice alone, I'd yell at her and she'd shit her pants :lol:
:lol: One time at the mall with Ariane these 11 year old kids said something like "Stupid Goth" or something stupid to Ariane's friend so as we passed them again I gave them the dirtiest look, and I think I scared the shit out of them :lol: (They weren't actually 11) If they weren't so young I probably would have slapped the one kid in the mouth.
Everytime I leave the country is fucking heroic.

I could get lost for Britain. My favorite being on a train between Katowice, and Krakow in Poland. Asking the guard where to get off and ending up in Auschwitz. Bad move.
i nurtured a bird who ran into my window :lol:

no seriously he like KTFO'd himself, so i like cared and fed him. it was leet.
:lol: One time at the mall with Ariane these 11 year old kids said something like "Stupid Goth" or something stupid to Ariane's friend so as we passed them again I gave them the dirtiest look, and I think I scared the shit out of them :lol: (They weren't actually 11) If they weren't so young I probably would have slapped the one kid in the mouth.

Inside his actual mouth? Dunno what good that would do :ill: