Recent content by bavinnie

  1. bavinnie

    New HEAVY METAL bands

    What the fuck?
  2. bavinnie

    Metallica's hBlackened on drums

    Haha, fun isn't quite the word for it, I tried talking him into getting the double pedal but he insisted it would sound better with two basses, which is unfourtunate because now me and the other guitarist in our band end up carrying half his kit, and when coming back from gigs we have to carry...
  3. bavinnie

    Gamers Thread

    The new 360 looks pretty sweet, considering I never owned a 360 (when i lived at home it was my bros, so now i dont have shit) I'll be able to buy it with a good concience couldn't imagine going for it if I already had a 360 just not the type to re-buy updated stuff; moving on... Yeah dead space...
  4. bavinnie

    Most recognizable vocalists in metal

    I never said he was good, just recognizable and it's not like he pretends to be good either it's a joke band, their insturmental half is good though don't know if you've heard anything off their new "album" but it's pretty kick ass
  5. bavinnie

    Bands that deserve more credit than they get

    True they did have some pretty bad stuff at first but, every band produces some bad music at one point or another Yeah like i said they aren't really underrated in europe but I don't know more than a handful of people other than myself where I live that has ever heard of volbeat I was mainly...
  6. bavinnie

    Captain Overboard--Radio Earth!!

    I've got one, everything sounds really good but why is skullabye sound like it's better recording quality than the other ones?
  7. bavinnie

    Metallica's hBlackened on drums

    Yeah, I'm not a drummer but I've had to help him lug his acoustic set around enough to know it's a pain and to know it's hard to find a place where it will fit (Double bass set, naturally he plays metal)
  8. bavinnie

    Beginners bass dvd

    Couldn't have said it better, not to mention having someone there to help you out is just alot more fun
  9. bavinnie

    Top ten bands that ruined metal in your opinion

    No band ruined metal because half the bands people think of that are bad only say they are metal so in theory just the people going around saying this band that band are just deepening the wound by what is essentially agreeing they are metal, and everyone who isn't blaming those bands are just...
  10. bavinnie

    Most recognizable vocalists in metal

    Brendon Small.
  11. bavinnie

    Need help finding my genre

    Try Chimaira, ankla, volbeat oh and seriously:
  12. bavinnie

    Metallica's hBlackened on drums

    Oh, I always forget about the fact you can control the volume with E-kits, I'm just so use to acoustics kits I just had it stuck in my mind that drums are just always loud
  13. bavinnie

    "goth" as a loaded word/a people

    I agree
  14. bavinnie

    Bands that deserve more credit than they get

    Volbeat(not so much in europe though, but almost unheard of in the US), Chimaira, man my brain locked up can't think of anymore than those two ATM...