Gamers Thread

Here's the trailer to the teaser, I like the fact the guy who made this used the Resident Evil theme track from the movies for it at the beginning.

Awesome. I'm a huge MK fan(despite the rather low replayability of most of the titles in the franchise). I just love the MK mythos so much. One of my most expected games, and it looks like it's gonna be the best one in the series.
Starcraft 2 and Mafia 2(finally) are gonna be released soon. I'm stoked.:worship:

In the world of board gaming I've been playing Fantasy Flight's dungeon crawling Descent:Journeys in the Dark. I disliked it at first due to the sheer length of an average game session(4-5 hours), but it's actually pretty sweet on second look and it rewards careful planning and strategy.Gonna buy the expansion Road to Legend which allegedly redefines the entire game, making it more compact and accessible.
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Been playing Medieval II like crazy for the last week+ , beat the Grand Campaign as Scotland on Very Difficult campaign/battles, now doing the Kingdom Brittania Campaign as Scotland on the same difficulty.

William Wallace showing up as this badass with a whole Army is pretty damn sweet.
E3's press conference is great, it's showing alot of good shit and Kinect is absolutely amazing.

EDIT: So they made the announcement that the XBOX 360 Slim has been shipped to stores worldwide today, and that everyone who was at the press conference is getting one for free!
So apparently a bunch of EA shit is going on sale this week on Steam.

Too bad I already bought BC2 a couple weeks ago.
Been playing Medieval II like crazy for the last week+ , beat the Grand Campaign as Scotland on Very Difficult campaign/battles, now doing the Kingdom Brittania Campaign as Scotland on the same difficulty.

William Wallace showing up as this badass with a whole Army is pretty damn sweet.

God I love that game, although it didn't top the first Medieval IMO

Shogun 2: Total War is coming out next year..hopefully it will be awesome!
Nintendo ruled today...A new Donkey Kong Country?! Goldeneye, Kirby, Metroid and Zelda? Plus a cool looking Mickey Mouse game.

Awesome! Those are all really creative new IPs! I can't wait to see what that "Zelda" game is like, and the Goldeneye movie only came out about two fucking million years ago, so I bet it will be really current and relevant! It's really risky making a game based on a popular movie franchise, but I have a feeling this one will be a hit!

Seriously, does anyone else think this is an embarrassing display of total creative shut down? I don't follow this stuff, but I assume that it was like this across developers - very few new IPs, and most of those "new" IPs involve WWII or Muscular Guys Hiding Behind Walls...IN SPAAAAACE. Not saying everything has to be original, but it's kind of disappointing. Although a few of the recent hits were somewhat creative...Assassin's Creed and Dead Space come to mind. Too bad those games both have sequels that are pretty much identical, but whatever, they still stand out a bit. The last two creative shooters I can think of are Prey (gimmick) and Gears of War. And now we have droves of GoW clones, so that's awesome. There are even fucking Oblivion clones.

And yeah, I know, I whine a lot but you have to admit I have a point. I'd be happy if they just made a sequel to Knights of Honor, and a remake of Mount & Blade by a full development team.
I'm looking forward to the new Castlevania, especially that Hideo Kojima is involved in its production. The gameplay will be a mix between God of War gameplay mechanics, and Shadow of the Colossus gameplay mechanics.
The new 360 looks pretty sweet, considering I never owned a 360 (when i lived at home it was my bros, so now i dont have shit) I'll be able to buy it with a good concience couldn't imagine going for it if I already had a 360 just not the type to re-buy updated stuff; moving on... Yeah dead space and assassins creed have sequels and yes, they are similar to the original - because they're sequels